Selasa, 31 Mei 2022

Kickstarter adventure board games of March 2022

Although I’m European, I don’t really think about board games, which are usually called European and often very abstract. I prefer the American style of play, which has a sense of adventure and history. After all, I want to play not only in order to win points. (Note: we played Clank for 4 players! On Friday night I basically sabotaged my winning points to activate the main event, while other players ignored the event and erased the points. I think we have other conditions for "winning" in mind ..)

So this month on Kickstarter I was thrilled with three different games that best fit my style:Malhya, Lands of Legends , then Tidal Blades 2: Rise of the Unfolders and finally Fire For Light . And I wonder how different not only these games, but also their campaigns on Kickstarter.

At the time of writing, Malhya had 3426 fans, 4 days left. If you just look at the base token, it’s the most expensive of the three games, as it’s the only one that doesn’t have a cheaper token with a stand than a miniature. But it is also the most difficult of the three games and the one in which you get the most items. Malhya was produced by a French company, so soon they planned a different language version. To make it easier, they use a variety of characters instead of text on their gaming equipment. Some people find this annoying because it seems confusing until you figure out how it works. But the advantage is that it makes the game better. The theme is relatively general fantasy, but with an original fantasy world. There are a lot of new ideas in this game, and the developers have done a great job explaining these ideas in two languages ​​on their YouTube channel . Although this is the first game from this group of developers, they are collaborating with a company that has conducted several successful campaigns on Kickstarter and knows what they are doing. The biggest risk with Malchia is that it is very challenging and will take a lot of energy to train it and bring it to the table. Its greatest strength is that its complexity makes the game quite profound; Think of games like Gloomhaven, with lots of game time.

Tidal Blades 2 is a much simpler offer. Basic interactions with individual travelers (and I like individual travelers) are much cheaper than $ 89. This campaign has 12 days left as I write, and already has 4,326 fans. It will be the most supported and funded of the three games on my list. If you buy a deluxe version with thumbnails, check out $ 159, and there are more expensive promises that include an RPG book. What brings me to my critique: Tidal Blades 1, Tidal Blades 2 and the RPG Tidal Blades are three very, very different things that share knowledge, but are not so different. It's not a sequel like "Oh, I love Tidal Blades 1", I have to support Tidal Blades 2. Tidal Blades 1 is a European-style job that deals with employment, and Tidal Blades 2 is an adventure game. It’s also the company’s first adventure game, so we don’t have any records to claim it’s good. The risks / strengths of Tidal Blades 2 perfectly complement Malhya: its strength is that sitting at a table seems much easier and simpler, while the risk is that the gameplay is not deep enough to bring you to the end of the campaign. stunned. .

Fire For Light is confusing. I watched YouTube and I liked many aspects of the game. But the base bookmark costs $ 99 more than the Tidal Blades 2, and the overall promise of the miniature is $ 269. The problem is that Kickstarter doesn’t explain clearly enough what you get for all that money. Or, as they say, “Components here show a base box example” instead of showing them all, which is probably the worst idea for a Kickstarter project. As a result, they have only 207 supporters, 23% funded, and most likely will not be funded at all, even for 15 days. I think it’s wrong that it’s designed as an outdated game (a fact that is poorly explained), and a lot of the components are in a “secret package” that the developers don’t want to show because, you know, spoilers. But since they don’t show the total number of components you get in the box, or how the game gets harder and harder from section to section, it seems like a very easy game for too much money. You see the first image of the game on the Kickstarter page and think "what is it?". I think there is something else in this game, but they may need to undo this kickstarter and reconsider their marketing to make it more understandable to the public.

Diversity in board games

Unfortunately, the war of culture leads me to a hobby that interests me. The latest attack on board games: Why are board games so white and masculine? . This shows that white men and women have managed to exclude women and non-whites from board games by not properly representing them on their faces. Excerpt: "The picture on the cover of 200 game boxes ranks BoardGameGeek as the most popular game with games like Gloomhaven (2017), ... more prone to whites ." I suggest you look at Gloomhaven's cover and see for yourself:

Would you consider this image "strong bias against white men"? The only people I see on this cover are actually women, and as far as I know, they are not very white. While the races are fantastic, there is a lot of racial diversity in this image. Despite the publication's slogan , "Academic rigor, journalistic talent," the only thing that actively touched on reader intelligence was a survey of 320 respondents (73.8 percent) who described themselves as a group of mostly North American respondents. The majority of respondents are women: 60.4%, including 4.9% trans women. In our survey, more than a quarter of respondents were identified as male: 25.3 percent and 9.4 percent non-binary, respectively. " If you take a small enough sample for the survey and it is quite different from the actual population, you can try everything.

The sad thing is that there is an excellent answer to the question of why board games are so white. And it is not surprising that this has nothing to do with the coating. On the contrary, it has much to do with socioeconomics and Maslow's hierarchy of needs .

If you search for Gloomhaven on, you'll see that it's $ 140. When we talk about board games as a hobby, we are not talking about $ 20 retail games like Monopoly or Scrabble. We're talking about Kickstarter, which currently costs at least $ 100 for the simplest bet and can easily go up to $ 500 for all bets, including taxes and shipping. A typical computer gamer is someone who has: A) hundreds of dollars in cash and B) enough time to play games that Maslow says will reach the top of the pyramid of needs. . -Renewal needs.

In an ideal world, many people, regardless of skin color, will meet this requirement. In the real world, especially in the real United States, white Americans are more likely to have the income, time, and need to play this expensive board game . This is no exception, these are statistics. There are great channels on YouTube where black content creators play board games, but they are statistically underrepresented because blacks are statistically underrepresented in the highest percentage of revenue . Putting a black man on the cover of an expensive board game won't change that.

Steamforged Games - A redemption story

Once upon a time, in 2016, a small and relatively unknown board game company called Steamforged Games launched a project to present Dark Souls: Board Games. He garnered more than 31,000 followers and raised £ 3.7 million. The "estimated shipping" date was April 2017, when it was shipped, and a few months later it was the first wave with the main game box, which was not specified. Kickstarter promotion. The expansion and expansion targets for Waves 2 and 3 were subsequently delivered, and Wave 3 was finally completed in January 2020 . As you can imagine, many people were not happy about that. So, if you're looking for Reddit to get away from the list of desktop gaming companies, it's usually steamforce games.

In November 2020, Steamforge Games launched another Kickstar platform for tabletop gaming, this time with the original IP called Bardsung . They still have 10,000 followers and £ 1 million, but it has attracted fewer audiences than a real licensed IP game and has been awarded the Dark Souls Shipping brand Fayasco. Estimated delivery in May 2022 at this time. No one believed him. During this time, there were several other companies, including several Kickstarter campaigns, and everyone knew that, if lucky, the actual delivery is usually delayed by at least 6 months. It was also his debut in the board game industry and his first game in production and shipping. Prepare a large 75-ton board game and ship it to your customers within 18 months? impossible! I can not! Not a company with a particularly bad shipping history.

Exception ... Sometimes a company that has been criticized for failing in a business is really motivated to do better. Also, a process that once failed teaches you the flaws of the process.

Today, March 31, 2022, I received a copy from Bardsung with an expandable Birdsong Fables goal box. Two months ago. None of my other Kickstarter projects have ever been accelerated. Especially in board games. I paid only £ 101 ($ 132) for the overdue commitment, including a description and delivery of Fortale. They are cheap in today's market for mini kits of 10 kg and tons. is available for $ 170 plus shipping , pre-ordered and not included in the Fables box.

I am very happy and impressed. Thanks to Steamforged Games for learning to distribute Kickstarter board games on time. They moved from a shipping company to Kickstarter board games, a first-class shipping company. This is a wonderful thing!

A case of stolen identity

This week, the Washington Post published an article on the risk of COVID progression in "pregnant women" without using the word "women." In theory, a man born with a female body can "identify as a man" but still become pregnant and then be offended when he is called a "pregnant woman". The strange alliance that exists between conservative and progressive feminists has found that this political correctness has gone too far. If a pregnant woman can not be called a "woman", by whom then?

For the 99.5% of the population who do not identify as transgender or intersex, it is very important who is "male" and who is "female". Much of culture and literature is devoted to the relationship between a man and a woman. Netflix's most popular show at the moment, Bridgeton, would not be possible with gender-neutral "people". And since feminism is one of the earliest forms of identity politics, many feminists do not accept the possibility of erasing female identity or making it available to everyone. Nobody wants to fight for "reproductive human rights", because it can be very wrong.

Whether out of politeness (in the case of the dressing room) or out of a sense of fairness (in the case of sports), the company has decided that for certain activities or places it would be preferable to separate men and women. And while some of these sections, such as the men and women who met separately after dinner, were eventually abandoned, others were deemed necessary enough to be preserved. Rejection of any reasonable definition of the term "woman" makes separation impossible. And that makes feminism impossible: if you can not define what a "woman" is, how can there be "women's rights"? And if there are no "women", then there are no "men", which is inconvenient for those who tend to blame men for everything.

What strikes me a little strangely is the dissonance between science and politics. Although there are very few real mixed cases, science usually identifies a person as a man or woman without problems. On the other hand, there is no binary method in science to identify a person as white or black. Imagine if a strange plan is implemented to pay for compensation for slavery, and every "white" will have to pay for the compensation and every "black" will get money. There will be many people who claim to be "black" and science can not say otherwise.

For the average person, who is usually not 100% politically correct, the sexual attraction that exists between heterosexual men and women is an important part of their life and thus defines what a man and a woman are. And I think this is the last barrier that will prevent identity theft from the term "woman". While a transgender person may "identify as a woman," this does not necessarily make them sexually attractive to the average man. It also prevents that person from getting pregnant. A "pregnant woman" is a woman, no matter what the Washington Post says.

A pre-campaign review of Bardsung

It started in a positive way. A few months ago, he sent us a kickboxer, which is very rare in the industry, and when I came up with the basic "heroic promise", I thought I got a lot of gaming equipment. And a small transfer in two boxes of one hundred dollars. So I started to know what the game was like.

Parsing is a common prisoner who can easily play as a game, although it is not really well known. You can also play it as a campaign, but it means playing a prison drag game, maybe making a decision at the end, then rearranging the board and then playing the next prison drag game. Each cell and corridor of the prison is characterized by strict flexibility: cells are always connected only by corridors and corridor cells. The prison is randomly created as you explore, draw or map the corridors as you walk through the gates. Each room or traffic map tells you whether you have to draw or fight opposition by describing what is happening in the room. Maps can be run to indicate monsters or terrain features related to the game you're playing.

Heroes usually have two interchangeable verbs that must be used for different things. You can move and use one to attack or use different powers. Attacks are managed by turning 1d20 and adding statistical improvements such as D&D. As you can see in this game, sometimes you have "advantages" or "disadvantages", which means you take the highest and lowest dice by turning two dice. If your attack and switch pack are equal to or greater than the monster's target number, you will be hit. Somewhat confusingly, I drop the spoiler, eating the d6, but the throw doesn't * damage *. Instead, they compare values ​​with the strength of the sample, and if it is equal or greater, they have great success. Each skill tells you a recurring and decisive score and some skills also have missing results. But since common monsters have only 2 points, normal damage can be 1 point health damage and 2 points serious injury. "Complex" people don't die after 2 losses, but on the other hand, according to different statistics, you have to deal with 2 more losses to kill them. All power is not limited to damage, you can move enemies or achieve certain levels.

The order in which the heroes and monsters move is determined by the random swings of all the related cards. Since the cards have different color backgrounds and some patterns are two-way, you need to learn to blend without looking. There are also powers that can change the order of movement. It's the monster's turn to take action followed by a simple artificial intelligence. Different monsters may have different AI maps, but there is no random set and no 'AI deck'. The main monsters have multiple motivation cards, so they do a lot of work and do different things. Do not roll the monster dice. When a monster attacks a hero, the hero's job is to finish it, otherwise he will be able to withstand the injury.

Each dungeon quest is a very short order, so a short play time has been included for this game. Once the heroes find the exit platform, they can use gold and xp in the dungeon to improve their character before returning to the next dungeon. Heroes can repair gold or buy treasure. You can use XP to upgrade existing stats, skills or buy new ones. Surprisingly, heroes can buy skills from other classes at high prices; Unfortunately, each skill card is only valid once, so I'll be careful before buying another player's hero power. The blocker is relatively annoying, you can still get stuck on your original device, but you can upgrade it once by adding and adding extra bonuses with gems or glass.

In general, once you understand prison and war exploration is relatively easy. The constitution is designed like a combat helmet and navigation guide, so you have a good idea of ​​what to do after you both pass. Unfortunately, this structure makes the rules a little harder to find later; There is a clue but no indicator.

I’m at a stage where I know how to play, but I haven’t started the campaign yet. But I have some basic ideas about gameplay and content. So far, it's a mixed bag. For example, I want to include GameTrayz to hold cards, icons, and thumbnails; However, tokens have only two drawers and different types of tokens are sufficient. The trays used for player boards are also not well designed and there is no space for cards or attached sleeves. On the prison floor, the organizers decided to "beautify it" without blurring the boundaries between the various spaces, and it was necessary to add a tile to determine the number of spaces allotted for it. The game board measures 3 "x 3", which is the full size of a typical 3 "x 5" table, so you need to stack the player boards in one part of the game board designed for something else. Besides painting, it would not be very practical. In general, I think the game is more beautifully designed to improve the use of body parts.

As I said, I still can't figure out the quality of the history of the campaign. But the overall gameplay still looks simple, there are a few tactical options or tactical puzzles to solve. It is also random in nature, the problem is solved on the basis of the combination of weak and unlucky dice by small dice. There are some exciting gameplay elements, such as Echo Signal, which creates monsters that roam the pre-existing dungeons, opening the door to protect the party from the monsters behind it.

I'm still satisfied with the $ 100 I paid on Kickstarter, noting that there has been massive inflation in board games since 2020, and the Bardsung MSRP on Steam Forced Games is now $ 199.95 . And shipping. Purpose not included. I do not necessarily recommend bardsung at this price. This is a good prison game, but in my opinion it is not a special game.

Messy, but interesting

Since 2010, the United States has been somewhat different from other Western democracies. Supreme Court v. Citizen United v. Since the FEC decision, there have been few restrictions on companies using their funds for political campaigns. This used to be in favor of Republicans, who were once the business party, but things are changing now and some shocking clashes with the GOP have taken place. Florida's current senior Republican governor is DeSantis v. This is Disney. It will be interesting to see how the war develops.

Bipartisan democracy is not very open to compromise. Although in many other democracies the larger party does not yet have an absolute majority and is able to form a coalition and make concessions to the government, in a two-party system the first party automatically has an absolute majority. Since the majority party has no reason to compromise, this can put the minority party in a position where nothing can be achieved through ordinary political means. If Florida Republicans pass the gay education bill, there's not much Democrats can do.

In terms of demographics, however, there is often a correlation between older conservatives and younger progressives and progressives. This is particularly true in Florida, where 21% of the population is over 65 years old, compared to 15% in California and 13% in Texas . So the working-age population is more progressive than the voters. It's easy to see how progressives can have a strong majority *within the company* in a company like Disney in Florida. Because these progressives may not have achieved much through other political means, but because Citizens United allowed Disney to wield tremendous political power, Disney progressive employees are more likely to use political power to pressure their management. to act politically.

In addition to progressive employees, the company also negotiates with clients between the ages of 18 and 34, who in turn are more progressive than their mandate holders. Have you seen a lot of marketing about a great seniors experience at Disney World? What you see instead is that conservative-managed companies in conservative states are also struggling to show progress in the recent wave of branding shifts that move away from the racial and cultural stereotypes of the past.

Historically, the company has a long history of playing both sides. If the ultimate goal of political donations is political gain that brings economic benefit to your business, then you need to give money to different parties at different levels of government; For example, the mayor of Orlando is a Democrat even though the governor of Florida is a Republican. But the extreme political polarization of US politics could end with both sides taking action. Disney initially tried not to stick with DeSantis' proposed education project until its employees were forced to step aside and side with Disney.

Of course, Republicans like the United Citizens government while cash flow should go their way. And the company simply favors Republicans while pursuing pro-business policies. When corporations decide they don't benefit from supporting their Republican policies of non-subsidization and corporations instead seek to make progressive employees and customers happier, United Citizen's political influence can shift to the left. And Republicans are not happy about it. But authoritarian Republican politicians who target "smart" companies with punitive measures are likely to undermine bilateralism and business ties. It gets confusing but interesting.


Mi ludis la komputilan version de Demeon . Demio komenciĝis kiel populara virtualrealeca ludo kaj lastatempe publikigis "PC version" kiu povas esti ludita per muso kaj klavaro. Steam nur vendas la ludon kiel pakaĵo, do se mi havas aŭdilon mi povas ludi la VR-version. Sed ĉar estas iuj komputilaj ludoj sur mia regula ekrano, kiuj limigas mian movon (kiel serioj de telerestariloj), VR ne taŭgas por mi laŭ mi. Feliĉe, la musaj kaj klavaraj kontroloj en la Demeo PC Edition funkcias bone.

Demeo simulis la "Haunted" tabulludon. En plurludanta reĝimo, estas 4 karakteroj, kiujn vi povas kontroli sole aŭ kun amikoj. La ludo estas alterna kaj ĉiu raŭndo povas esti farita de ĉiu karaktero kun du agoj, ekz. b. Movu kaj ataku. Ĉiu karaktero ankaŭ havas kelkajn kartojn, sed nur unu el ili povas esti recikligita per turno. Do, se via maniulo uzas fajrobulkarton, li devos atendi alian karton antaŭ ol li povas fari ĝin denove. Vi povas akiri novajn kartojn plenigante la karton per viaj agoj aŭ ŝtelante vian keston. Vi ankaŭ povas gajni oron kaj aĉeti biletojn inter prizonaj niveloj.

La "aventuro" de Dimeo konsistas el tri hazardaj prizonniveloj. En la unuaj du vi devas trovi la ŝlosilon al la sekva nivelo kaj poste mortigi la gvidanton de la lasta nivelo por venki. Sed plejparte ili batalas kontraŭ multaj ŝajnigaj monstroj, kiuj provas fari fortan manon el kartoj. La premioj kiujn gajnas aventuristoj estas kosmetikaj premioj, kaj ekzistas neniu karakterevoluo inter aventuroj. Ĉi tio gravas se vi volas ludi plurludantan ludon, ĉiuj ĉiam havas la saman forton. Nun estas tri malsamaj aventuroj kun malsamaj monstroj. Sed ĉiu aventuro povas ludi multe pro hazardaj prizonniveloj. Mi ŝatas tion ĉi!

Nun mi ĵus ricevis karkstarter piedbatboksan tabulludon. Bardsung estas ludo en kiu aventuristoj esploras hazarde generitan malliberejon. Dependas de la roloj, ĉiu karaktero havas du agojn en vico kaj la kapabloj de la karakteroj estas skribitaj sur la kartoj. Mallonge, Bardsung similas al Demeo multmaniere. Sed Bardsung estas tre saĝa. Dimeo estas sufiĉe mola ĉar la komputilo pritraktas ĉion ĉi. Almenaŭ por unu ludo, ĝi estas pli amuza ol Demio Barsing.

Too lazy to read

Supports another board game from Kickstarter, The Dark Quarter . This game uses the same system as it did last year, but in the 80's it became a New Orleans crime with supernatural substances. Like Angel Heart , I don't know if Robert de Niro can hatch an egg. As a matter of fact, apps will be a big part of the game. App-based games are topics that are divided into board games.

My favorite board game app is Forler . Provides audio acting for game history text. Mentioning the article as a joke saves me from reading the article in one go. But in multiplayer games, they avoid making anyone read the text aloud. It is also not uncommon for professional voice actors to read the text aloud and perform better than the average board player. With regard to the Dark Quarter, it is still not clear how far the story will go, unfortunately part of the text is heard in Destinies. Foreller recently sent me an email announcing the upcoming announcement. Bleach! But fortunately they ruined it by posting an image on this letter which is the sleep cover of the upcoming album cover: the distant sky . Oh my gosh, I hope they do the original Sleep Gods because this is already a good game with voice acting and script to read a lot.

There is another great use of historical application, but if you still find the book, it is completely optional. That way, you can still play if the app is closed for some reason. This is one of the most controversial sites for tablet games. But if the text is only in the app and is not published in the book, the cost of the game product may be lower. I opted for the 59 ዝ Base Deposit for Dark Quarters, which is not a bad thing for multiplayer games these days.

While I'm not worried about immortality, I'm concerned that Destinies is using apps to hide information from players. For example, when you have to take a skill test, the app does not tell you how successful you should be. Just enter the number of successes in the app and then check whether you succeeded or not. The Destinies app is used to scan QR codes on individual cards, enabling the "Piece Bar If Door" type in point and click adventure games. Sometimes it can be fun, but other times it can be very frustrating not knowing that you have to use your credit card for that door.

Mixed games between board games and apps are becoming more and more popular. The "Smartboard Game" system did not work. So it seems that the developers have not decided which parts of the board game will benefit from the app support. I think a lot of exciting things are coming!

D&D acquires D&D Beyond

Hasbro / Wizards of the Coast, makers of Dungeons & Dragons , buy beyond D&D - Large Online Digital Toolbox D&D Library. And the first thing they had to do was a press release that the site wasn't shut down. Dungeons & Dragons has a fascinating history with the internet in general and D&D digital devices in particular. For decades, the company tried to hide its content on the Internet for fear of piracy, but in reality, it only served as a bear. And many attempts to create digital toolkits for various D&D names are very flawed and will soon be abandoned. D&D finally won the fifth edition of the Internet. And it turned out to be a huge success. Videos Played by D&D on YouTube Will Reach Millions of Viewers D&D returns to the top of the desktop RPG market, already paving the way for Pathfinder.

Dungeons & Dragons now plays well with 4-5 players, with the prisoner seated at the table. If the epidemic does not allow 5-6 people to gather around the table, that is a bit of a problem. But as business meetings move to groups or zooms, many D&D games like Roll20 are moving to virtual offices . I am currently using Roll20 և D&D Beyond. Roll20 plays D&D & D&D like a library of laws, items, monsters, and similar databases.

But what D&D Beyond wants to be is unclear. It continues to add functionality to the virtual desktop platform, but was never offered. You can create character sheets, scroll dice, and run a Discord bot that provides macros that combine dice with character sheet numbers. But D&D Beyond is missing the most important part of the virtual desktop platform - battle cards and badges. Yeah Al, sounds pretty shitty to me, looks like BT isn't for me either. But we are still far from complete virtual offices like Roll20, Fantasy Grounds or Foundry.

So I wonder what the beach witches want to do beyond D&D. Leave it as it is. Or convert it into a full MTB app? I don't have much hope in his experience.

Do platform exclusives still make sense?

In 2020, I played Horizon Zero Dawn on PC for about 60 hours. I just liked it. So theoretically Horizon could be a client of Forbidden West. Unfortunately, this game is still playable "only" on the PlayStation. I am also a potential buyer of Plaster 5, but I am sure that the seller will not give me a thousand dollars. This means that everything that I bought and PS5, but could not, was banned for certain games due to their "differences".

Now, on previous generation consoles, that could mean something. I almost got the key to play Wild Breath. Some games may openly boost console sales. However, if the console expires permanently, this argument will disappear. Sony is already selling the PS5 as soon as possible. They don't make extra money by being alone with their consoles. Gaming companies are limiting their sales to people who can afford the PS5. There are many customers who don't buy these games because of the console supply situation.

So I wonder what could be the economic meaning of a play on one stage. Is Sony still investing heavily in gaming companies to limit its gaming placement? Will this money be enough to compensate potential customers for game companies that have lost customers?

Succeeding backwards

One of the advantages of board games over computer games is that a board game (without the use of an app) cannot hide its game. Because you control the mechanics of the game , you will always really see what is going on. And so it was interesting to see that Roll Player Adventures not only often uses "fail forward" mechanics when the story continues at least when you fail a battle or a skill test, or you can even get additional rewards by case of failure; it also has what I would call the "reverse success" mechanic if you lose progress if you perform exceptionally well in battles.

For example, at the end of quest 10 (the penultimate quest of the company) you will have to fight with a fairly strong monster. The "normal" result of a fight is to win it, but only after 2 or 3 rounds of fighting. In this case, the story continues. If you suffer a defeat, the story will also continue, but you will get additional feature bonuses and a larger battle block limit. But if you kill this monster immediately, your dice limit and bonus game limit will be reduced. In other words, if you're too weak, you'll win, but if you're too strong, the game will weaken you.

From a game design point of view, the interest of such a game mechanic is clear: this fight is a test to know if one is too weak, fair or too strong for the next adventure, with the consequence of try to fix the situation until a certain point. indicate. just enough to fully enjoy the ending. However, some of the "successful recoil" isn't what usually happens in games. Many games don't even have a failure mechanism. If you can't defeat Margaret in Elden Ring at the level you're at, the game expects you to go back and level up a bit until you can defeat her. But the Elden Ring certainly doesn't stop you from completely increasing the content .

The usual mechanics of video games are that you are rewarded for success and punished for failure. The obvious problem with this mechanic is that it can snowball if the game has a business that has no chance of catching up. I've played a few games that were a series of tactical battles with only one main campaign and no additional side battles or random battles. If your units in such a game receive "veteran status" and other survival rewards, and dead units have to be replaced with expensive and inexperienced troops, it's easy to see how a good start will make the game more easy every time, and no luck or a mistake made at the start of the game could lead to a situation where the game is practically a win-win in the future.

Losing your progress for being too strong is something that many players will find unacceptable. So perhaps the best solution a good master would apply to Dungeons & Dragons: if your players are extraordinarily strong, make your enemies stronger than originally thought; If your players have created a lot of "fun" characters for roleplaying, but not very good in combat, this weakens the enemies. However, some attempts to do this in computer games are oversimplified when enemies are simply scaled down with your level so much that leveling up becomes meaningless. And some like to grind at the start of the game to break the rest.

Senin, 30 Mei 2022

An experience in trading

Looking back, it appears that Bardsung 's crowdfunding promise was wrong. Let's call it a two-part error. The first part is that Bardsung has a lot of bugs that make it less fun than it could be objectively. The second part, at best, is a game that I still don't think I want or don't want. My misconception was that the crowdfunding campaign was created because it talked a lot about aspects of the game's story with the help of famous guest writers և dubbing apps. I love games like Sleeping Gods (distant skies remake starting tomorrow) with the powerful "Choose Your Adventure" game. Bardsung is not that. Bardsung's story is that at the end of each prison tour there is a one-hour paragraph reading, often without any interesting options. Bardsung is a random dungeon making game, killing monsters in those dungeons, it's not a very difficult (but sometimes difficult) combat system. If that's all you want, then it's a good game. If you are tired of fighting in random dungeons like me, this game may not be for you.

Buying a game you don't like always happens, whether it's a board game or a computer game. For computer games, under certain conditions, you can get your money back on Steam if you have recently purchased the game and haven't played it often. For me, this never holds true, as I usually buy Steam games at the time of sale and then play them later when the redemption period is up. Reselling the game on Steam is not an option. But aside from the fact that "Sitting in my Steam library" takes up virtually no space, և it's probably a little painful, there's no negative impact on buying a Steam game, which I later realized I don't liked.

Board games * take up a lot of space in my library. Typical Kickstarter games take up a lot of space with very small boxes. It goes without saying that if you are looking for a promise, you will find yourself with a few blocks from the main game to extra time to expand the objectives. The interest in getting rid of a board game you don't like is a little higher, as board game collectors always have room for small shelves. And unlike the digitally downloaded PC game, the physical chest of board games has a certain value. Maybe someone else likes the game more than you do. So selling the game is very interesting, you get paid for another game, you free up that low space և remove the big boxes that remind you of your wrong judgment.

However, it is not easy to sell board games. Remember the big stack of boxes, which can be quite heavy? Mail can be very expensive. It is difficult to sell a board game on the spot because it is a specialized hobby. Bardsung Kickstarter had 10,000 fans, it's already one of the biggest, but 10,000 people are spread all over the world. Relatively small examples of Kickstarter board games also allow speculators to win over those who buy games without opening the sales box. In comparison, a copy of a board game loses much of its value. And you face all the possible problems of selling something to a stranger on the Internet.

I recently attended a local comic conference, including some board game vendors. Less than half an hour later, I found a shop that was buying used board games. And since the last time I gave them for free I took out board games, I thought I'd give them a try. It was a mixed experience. On the plus side, I removed Bardsung և two more minigames and got two new ones. The downside is that they didn't pay with cash, but with store credit. And they only paid 30% of the recommended price, which didn't really surprise me after watching a real TV series like Pawn Stars. The store cannot sell used games for more than 60% of the recommended price, so they pay me half of what they have to pay for the store և there is a risk that no one will want to buy that game. The good news is I paid double for Bardsung MSRP Kickstarter, so I still have 60% of my money left.

Well, Bardsung was a pretty big box, I'm glad I pulled it out. But I won't get into the habit of trading used games. The types of board games I like are niche, and even in a store full of used board games, I haven't seen many games that have been fun for me. But I still prefer this option rather than paying for the delivery of a large, heavy box sent to a stranger. I think the internet has damaged my faith in humanity.

Saltmarsh - Session 1

We've launched a new pirate/pirate D&D campaign based on the Saltmarsh ghost adventure book. The heroes are:
  • Tabakhi Bubu attempted to eat the red fish that granted his desires and cursed him for reducing it to the size of a regular plate. She is a witch with an unhealthy obsession with fish.
  • Grace, a sea dwarf, lived alone on a deserted island for many years after being shipwrecked. He is a janitor who admires the fairy who helps him survive on his own.
  • Nordak, the dwarven team captain. It's complicated, the instrument he chooses is the drum. It works well on the boat, but it's often not so good when trying it at the bar.
  • Shaila - Kalashtar, a person whose spirit comes from the dream world and lives in his body. He is the priest of life. When the magic goddess Shaila is forced to destroy Mistra in the battle of the gods, she seeks the guardian's tears shed by the god Helm. The tears crystallized on a large long stone with strong anti-magic power but disappeared into the sea.
In different situations, these four characters appeared as young pirates in Hold'em Prince's pirate kingdom in the capital Montmurg. In a naval battle against a merchant ship (we played in a Zero session to explain the rules of naval warfare I used), Admiral Arjan Monu's secretary, Shaylak Edgar, rescued the dragon "Edgar's Four Eyes". Upon returning to Montmorg, players are summoned to the Palace of the Council of Princes of the Sea and proclaim that they have "won" a special mission. One of them is called the key captain "Insinkable II" and the other players play the role of the crew. The Prince of Montmur himself, Admiral Arjan Moon, ordered them to sail 80 miles northwest of Jetsom the next day to wait near a small island that was a beacon for another ship. He will bring them a box of goods to take back to Montmor.

Before they can navigate, however, they contact the Four Eyes and tell them the mission is a trap. Admiral Arjan Mon agreed with Krakolich Slarkretel to offer the group as human sacrifices so that Slarkretel could leave the other pirate ships alone. The Four Eyes advise them to take the Jolly Roger and sail northeast instead of northwest and take refuge in Saltmarshah in the Kingdom of Keoland, where the King of Scotland is the enemy of the Princes of the Sea.

So they left Montmurg in a small boat. At sea, they encounter a group of calm sharks, but they are able to defeat them with the help of ballistic boats. There are wooden shields with the sacred symbol on the Sahuagins and inscriptions indicating that Helm's boss tears have lingered in the underwater city of Acryl. Sahuagin hates magic;

Using a map provided by Four Eyes, the group arrives at the small fishing village of Saltmarsh. The map shows a building marked with a bag of gold 7km from shore, but the group is unsure if it's just buried treasure or a shop. In Saltmarsh the boat is smuggled. Apparently King Scott of Keoland recently imposed tariffs on alcohol and tobacco and now some people are smuggling these goods.

In Saltmarsh, the group rents rooms at a bar run by dwarven miners called The Wicker Goat. There, Keled meets a wizard who lives in a nearby tower. They know that the building on their map is an abandoned mansion, a dream surrounded by light and a terrible white dream at night. They visit the dream house and learn that the "Nightmares" are huge gangs buried in white paint. They search the house and find other pests such as spiders and caterpillars. You'll find a room upstairs that uses a flashlight to send light signals from a window. The man was found locked in his underwear with his mouth closed. It was Ned Shekshaft who tried to persuade the team to leave immediately. However, the team insists on continuing to search the building, so Ned joins them. But in the next fight (against the chamber flutes), Bubu tries to play from behind, then runs away. The badly injured group examines all upper floors of the house and returns to Saltmar. [There they go to Level 2 between sessions.]

This could go horribly wrong

Recording video games costs a lot of money . And you have to spend all your money before playing with people who can tell you that the game is good. Therefore, game developers constantly test the performance of other games, trying to find the "secret key" to success and apply it to their own games. You could kill the entire genre, like imitate the success of World of Warcraft in all games and create a "wow killer", but you could stifle all creativity and flood the MMORPG genre with a flood of wow clones. .

It's barely April, but the video game of the year is probably predetermined: Aldon Ring. It sold 12 million copies in its first 4 weeks, making it one of the best-selling small club open world games . The CEO of a major video game company ran into the creative director's office and yelled, "Let me play like Aldon Ring!" It's not hard to guess what he asked. It hurts a lot, I'm afraid, because "playing a game like Aldon Ring" can easily turn into a terrible mistake.

Since the release of Aldon Ring, there have been many flashbacks comparing it to regular Ubisoft Open World games. There is some truth to the fact that an open world game like Ubisoft (not all are made by Ubisoft) provides the player with too much information, diminishing the joy of discovery. But imagine the games you have played and try to narrow down all that info, quest index, minimap, HUD and more. Of course not. So while it's easy to identify the features of some good games that aren't in Alden Ring, it's very difficult to identify the features of The Secret Diploma that made Alden Ring so successful. And no, that's not a problem. Better a poor horse than none.

Another big problem is that 10 out of 10 results suggest flawless play. This is not the case. The Alden Ring is a game with deep flaws, but it's also a game that appeals to a large number of players, at least to the extent that those players are willing to see those flaws. If a small game comes out with some experience but the same bug as Eldon Ring, the reviewers will completely delete that game for a bug.

The last problem has to do with history, or you could call it inheritance. The Alden Ring works because *the story is similar to a Dark Souls game. Had Ubisoft released the same game under Assassin's Creed: Lands Between, the reception would have been very different. Aldon's ring does have pain aspects, but if you start the game early in the game, they will deal some damage.

I think you need to learn at least a few hit open world games to make a new hit open world game, including Eldon Ring, Wild Breath, Red Dead Redemption 2, and Skyrim. And even that does not guarantee success. But if you take Aldon Ring as a model for the next multi-billion dollar game, the result could be total disaster.

Prosperous Universe

After moving away from MMOs, I started playing games again. The game is called Rich Universe , first released in 2017, now Reboot and now available on Steam. It's basically EVE Online, with no battles and all the good parts. :) In other words, a spreadsheet simulator. A game where you create objects in an imaginary galaxy, then export and trade them. It's one of the slowest games I've ever seen, and everything you do takes hours or days in real time. This is a great game and I love it!

For some players, I can see that the Prosperity Universe doesn't even feel like a game: it has very little graphics and no action. You do not unlock the controller keys to achieve your goals; Instead, plan carefully for the next few days and move slowly. You start with a real estate company, and as I see it now, it takes me about a month to double the value of the property. However, the number of hours I need to be online per month is limited. Yes, I'm used to letting those slow games run in the background all day, but after some initial planning, I'll probably play for a few minutes once or twice a day.

For me, the lack of interest in answer-based skills is a plus. But I think everyone likes the talented game. I didn't have much fun with the Eldon Ring because I couldn't press the right controller buttons for a few milliseconds. I have careful long-term planning skills and you have to plan one day in real time, if you make a mistake, you have to wait a day or two, I'm not afraid. I've been playing this game for a few months now, because for a rich universe, it doesn't make sense to just play for a few days. You can do a lot of things in the game for free, but 7 to 7 a month gives me access to the local market for a "PRO license".

When you can grow your business to do what you want, there are several start-up packages in the world of prosperity. I bought a very simple Victorian who specializes in growing and processing food. So my starting point was two pioneer houses to house my workers, a planetary water pump, a farm to produce collected water, and, for example, a home robot to turn these products into basic rations. Pioneers are only the shortest of the five staff members. Each part of the template requires different materials, which affects your satisfaction and efficiency. For the pioneers, two of these items are basic food and drinking water; I can do both alone. This makes Victualler a good choice for beginners because the basic items you need will never run out and there is always a stable market for others. The game also tells you that there is currently a low, medium or high demand for that first course and that there are no high interest rates.

However, I started with textbooks and other non-recommended lessons. There are planets suitable for agriculture. The proposed planet will be full of people who will follow this advice, and I thought the pace of change would be slower. So I chose a planet farther away from the next station, near that station, where there were no agricultural planets. So, better prices for the main parts I made. But it will take a day and a half to get to this station as soon as possible (with maximum fuel consumption). This requires me to look carefully at my purchases. There are more than 4,000 planets in the game, and they all have different terms and resources for different sectors. Therefore, the possibilities are endless. And everything you can prepare can be used alone for the next round, or it can be sold to another player in a large player-based economy. This is very exciting for me.

I also like the fully customizable user interface. You can create a series of screens and place several squares of different sizes on each of these screens. You can then fill in the blanks with the command that gives you the information you need. You can easily create a single series for your home screen and another series for your financial screen, but for a variety of features, from multiple chat windows to a review of local market conditions. The installation takes a bit of work, but in the end you get exactly the user interface you want.

I don't expect many of my readers to be involved in such a slow game in a few months. But if you're playing Prosperus Universe, you can use the USR Tobold command in the game to talk to me.

Trading, Shipping, and Pirating in Prosperous Universe

Many years ago, in 2009, I wrote a blog post about the economic MMO system . In this article, I mentioned that the immediate journey of many MMORPGs has made it impossible to imagine buying something cheap in one place, shipping it to another, and selling it there at a higher price. In space games, there is usually no immediate travel, as space travel is still an important part of these games. Therefore, trade and distribution are often part of the game. Rich universe .

There are two main "costs" to space travel in the rich universe: time and fuel. It will take several hours to make a small jump from one planet to another in the same system or to an orbital station in the same system. The space system consists of an STL component (slower than light) and an FTL component (faster than light) for flight. The STL portion is smaller when flying from one orbital station to another; It gets bigger when you have to land on the planet. This is because part of the FTL does not dramatically increase the time between starvation, as the name implies, 1 system jump and double jump. You can set the fuel consumption for the STL and FTL sections. You can get to your destination faster if you consume more fuel. But more often than not, it sets FTL fuel consumption to a minimum and STL fuel a little above the minimum, because the cost of a fast flight rises much faster than the reduction time.

Since the transition from one product to another takes about a day and consumes fuel, it is possible that in different markets the products have different prices. And if you want, you can play in a rich universe just like an entrepreneur. To build a foundation, first sell the materials you offer and use the capital to buy less and resell more. Of course, if you buy a good item and send it, the moment your ship reaches the destination the price may change.

Due to the cost of fuel, young players are advised to choose a planet in a system with an orbital station / freight exchange. The obvious disadvantage is that all the planets of this system are very densely populated. So I counted and picked the planet in 5 jumps from the nearest station, which means low fuel consumption, it takes me a day and a half to reach from my base to the stock exchange evenly and I spend $ 2000 on a direction for fuel. Since my home base brings in about 2000 profits a day, I do not often sell my products.

One of the two benefits of subscription (it is by no means a Pay2Win game) is access to the so-called local market. This means that the rations I make can be resold to people on my planet who have a base there without producing food. Or I can get a contract to send the shipment from my planet to the station for a fee, and if that shipment does not take all my shipment and the offer price includes fuel costs, I can even finish my shipment of products from it .

So why do developers only have access to shipping deals with customers? Because in the rich universe there is no war at all and there are "pirates" in it. Okay, I like to call them thieves. The "pirates" of the rich universe are those who accept surrender agreements and never surrender. If the player who has placed the delivery contract does not renew it several times, the contract is terminated and the "pirate" bears the cost of the delivery (prepayment) and charges. It is easy to understand why this feature is needed for Paywal.

Progress in Prosperous Universe

A prosperous universe is an economic game. You are not the hero, you are playing friendship. Thus, growth is measured in money, in products, in profit, not in steps. The game offers some preliminary work, materials for laying the first foundation on one of the first planets. For example, I chose Victor և the game gave me enough material to build a foundation consisting of a basic module, 2 pioneer houses, 1 drilling, 1 farm և 1 food processor. It all depends on where you go. The idea behind building your home is to use the remaining money and profit to buy more production buildings և materials for extra income.

Rich Universe (PrUn) is a very slow game. It took me days to build my first additional building. Now you can set up your favorite game, log in once or twice a day for just 10 minutes և play the game without much planning. But for me, the real PrUn "game" is to improve your economy. As many players do, there is a full page of tools, programs, and schedules, such as community resources . So instead of looking at my daily or actual expenses, I use the formula հաշվ to calculate how profitable I am և what I can do to maximize profits.

In my case, the base with the proposed building is 2.5 thousand per day. When I bought luxury items for my pioneers, it was over 3,000. Pioneers are the lowest paid class in hunting. Each unit has a limited number of "important" utilities և will stop working when they run out. And then there are luxury goods that boost morale and, consequently, productivity. The hard part for other players is buying and selling everything ությունը changing prices. So the simple question is, Will I provide luxury for my pioneers? It depends on the price of those luxuries and the price of the goods produced by the pioneers.

Then I had to decide what to build. Studying this gives me an idea of ​​the basics of a prosperous space economy. My food base there was not very profitable, but the main advantage is that it produces two of the three main items that pioneers need: fresh water and basic food. Since I chose to start on a planet that is not close to trade, I need some planning to save enough space. Everything you do or do not send will help. However, when these basic needs are met, more profitable alternatives to food production emerge.

In my case, I'm on the planet. So he was a very profitable collector for the construction of another building to increase profits. This increased my daily profit from 3.1 thousand to 4.7 thousand. The collector "pays for himself" within 12 days, which costs about 25 thousand. But since I was earning money from food production, I was able to get another collector in a week. But the game is much more complicated. But the modular house of my house is only 200. So if I make another collector, I will. I need another house to reduce efficiency խնդիրները to solve problems due to lack of staff.

I think you have an idea of ​​the first stage of the development of the prosperity of the universe. And all the profit margins I give here belong only to my unique planet, today's market value. As I saw, the price of oxygen is decreasing. Maybe I do not want to create a collector anymore, but to expand food production, if doses are more profitable than oxygen. And I understand that diet has more benefits, there is an internal market for them. Some players on the planet have started to produce oxygen without thinking about food production. So I can sell basic food ելու drinking water.

And that's just a big deal. You will not add another building to your foundation. But you can escape with small improvements. For example, the production of staple food requires three different agricultural products: և I use beans, wheat: vegetables. But it is known that beans are lower in the market than beans and vegetables. So I increased the profitability of my farm by producing just two expensive products, importing the cheapest beans. This means that I will already focus on the supply of agricultural products. If you decide to invest in a second food processor, it may be more profitable, but I do not have money to buy another farm.

Each additional building takes up space on your base, և your starting point is limited to 500. But at least I did not go down without explaining myself first. And with permission I can add 250 250 space to an existing database or create a second database on another planet. But the second fund is a big economic project, because I have to buy new basic modules - housing modules, like it - production buildings. And not all planets are so hospitable with good heat and pressure. If I want to build a new foundation in the unfavorable conditions of the planet, I need additional materials such as foam. I think the total cost of such a fund is about 300 thousand rubles. That's enough for me, but you can see the way the universe is prospering. This is a game that has been played for months. So far I'm had a lot of fun, but we need to see how it goes in the long run.

The Twitterocalypse

As far as I know , Elon Musk is a brilliant man who is everywhere in politics without talking to that man. For example, he defends a very complex universal income, but he is against the destruction of culture, which is very true. However, if you look at what other people are saying about Elon Musk right now, he's Hitler և he's going to destroy the internet with one hand. He bought Twitter and commented that it would be wrong to block some right-wing politicians and media outlets on Twitter. Donald Trump will most likely buy back his Twitter account.

Interestingly, Twitter has dispelled the old-fashioned idea of ​​being politically neutral, banning only hate speech. The same people behind Trump's ban fear that Twitter * will block their views and candidates. This means that anyone who suddenly controls Twitter, right and left, can gain great political power by blocking some media outlets or changing the algorithms that support them to a more subtle way.

Or it took some time before Elon Musk was actually caught, now in a few days you can see something if the newspaper agrees. The number of right-wing individuals on Twitter ranges from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands. Subscribers. The left loses the followers. This refers to two things. Sleeping people gather in reaction chambers և avoid forums where they may even meet with dissenting opinions. And in public opinion, buying Twitter with Elon Musk means moving to the right.

On January 6, 2021, 2000-2500 supporters of US President Donald Trump attacked the Washington Capitol. Counting the votes in favor of President Joe Biden, who is trying to reverse his defeat in the 2020 presidential election, will be considered a victory. Source: Many people think that Donald Trump is at least partly responsible for this attack, I agree. But in 16 months, what negative impact will the political interests of Donald Trump have? He lost his Twitter account. He's telling you something shocking that he վերականգ can restore his Twitter account. This means that the CEO of Twitter in some cases has more political power than the Congress or the President. And since Twitter (better yet, "was" a public company), that political force is being sold.

The problem is quite simple, but the solution is not clear. In a world that is aimed at appealing to carnal inclinations. In the real world, lawmakers ban books they think are the smartest. Anyone in power at any political level is simply trying to limit the political power of companies that do not agree with them. A month ago, if the Republicans tried to curb the power of Twitter, the Democrats would try to thwart those attempts. The opposite can be true today. Both sides generally agree that some companies have too much power, but never agree on what to do about it, as each side only wants to harm its political opponents.

I do not think that Elon Musk is the worst owner of Twitter և can make the platform more central than it is now. But you do not know this person. It is possible that at some point in his life he announced his candidacy for the presidency of the United States. Does anyone think that owning Twitter would be unfair to such a candidate? And is it surprising that this unjust advantage is not controlled?

PrUn Log - Stardate 2022-05-02

Dit is het avonturendagboek van Kappa Alpha Industries dat zich afspeelt in het welvarende universum. Dit is de eerste inzending in dit formaat, hoewel een deel van wat ik eerder heb gedaan te vinden is in mijn eerdere blogposts over dit spel. Vandaag is dag 9 van mijn avonturen, en aangezien het vandaag maandag is, is er iets belangrijks gebeurd: ik heb een "A"-bedrijfsbeoordeling gekregen, waardoor ik alle contracten op de lokale markt kan accepteren en niet alleen contracten die goed waren met een "P" voor lopende evaluatie.

Nu hebben alleen bedrijven die een abonnement betalen of ten minste een maandelijks abonnement betalen een bedrijfsbeoordeling. Testaccounts zijn gemarkeerd met een "U" om aan te geven dat ze niet gekwalificeerd zijn en geen lokale markten kunnen accepteren. Sommige mensen in de negatieve recensies van Steam noemen het "Pay2Win". De reden voor het verbergen van lokale markten is echter veel gecompliceerder dan de simpele wens van ontwikkelaars om geld te verdienen. Lokale marktcontracten kunnen tegen elke prijs worden afgesloten. En elk nieuw account begint met een startpakket met bouwmaterialen en geld. Dus als proefaccounts toegang zouden hebben tot lokale marktplaatsen, zouden oplichters gemakkelijk een aantal proefaccounts kunnen maken, hun startpakketten voor 1 tegoed aan uw hoofdaccount kunnen verkopen en daar dure artikelen kunnen kopen. Testaccounts met toegang tot lokale markten kunnen ook worden gebruikt om andere spelers te bedriegen, verzendovereenkomsten aan te gaan, goederen te ontvangen en levering te weigeren. Dus ja, ik begrijp dat er betaalde toegang moet zijn.

Zodra u betaalt voor een abonnement, dat relatief goedkoop is, verandert de beoordeling van uw bedrijf in in behandeling. U krijgt ook 'Verwachtingen' voor drie secundaire scores: Activiteit, Betrouwbaarheid en Stabiliteit. Activiteit meet hoe snel u aan uw contractuele verplichtingen voldoet; Het duurt meestal maar een paar contractdagen om een ​​rating te krijgen. Betrouwbaarheid meet of u al dan niet aan uw contractuele verplichtingen hebt voldaan; Voor evaluatie zijn 10 contracten nodig. Stabiliteit: de financiële stabiliteit van uw onderneming; De in-game aftelperiode loopt van middernacht op zondag (UTC) tot middernacht op de volgende zondag. Aangezien de stabiliteitsmeting 2 rapportageperiodes vereist, duurt de evaluatie "2 maandagen" na de start van het abonnement. Aangezien ik me vooraf heb ingeschreven, is het vandaag de tweede maandag en heb ik nu een stabiliteitsclassificatie "C" waarschijnlijk omdat mijn economie nog steeds erg klein is. Maar dankzij de "vijf" qua activiteit en betrouwbaarheid heb ik een algemene beoordeling van "1".

Ik heb een van mijn schepen "Planetary Service" genoemd en gebruik het om ambachtelijke goederen op de markt te brengen, en ook om voorraden of bouwmaterialen van de markt te brengen die ik nodig heb. Hoewel de reis van de planeet naar de warenbeurs en terug anderhalve dag duurt, is een schip nu voldoende voor deze taak, omdat productie en consumptie langzame processen zijn. Maar spelers beginnen met 2 schepen, en aangezien het derde schip miljoenen kost, hebben de meeste spelers alleen die 2 schepen voor een lange tijd. Dus ik heb een schip dat ik niet nodig heb voor mijn eigen economie, dus ik kan het gebruiken om geld te verdienen met scheepvaartcontracten.

Zoals ik in een van mijn eerdere berichten al zei, zijn de brandstofkosten het grootste probleem met de levering. Een vlucht van het ene systeem naar het andere kan 2.000 of meer kosten. Veel verzendcontracten betalen niet eens zoveel. Ze kunnen nog steeds worden opgehaald als ik bijvoorbeeld goederen van mijn Verdant-planeet naar de dichtstbijzijnde goederenbeurs, Moria Station, heb afgeleverd en er ruimte is in mijn vrachtruim. Als er een leveringscontract is dat nog steeds werkt en het is voor dezelfde route, dan zijn de bezorgkosten voor de vlucht die u toch zou hebben betaald gewoon gratis geld. Maar als ik mijn tweede boot alleen maar gebruik om geld te verdienen, heb ik scheepvaartcontracten nodig die in beide richtingen meer betalen dan de brandstofkosten, en die zijn moeilijk te verkrijgen. Ik sloot me aan bij een bedrijf dat een bloeiende gildemonteur in het universum is, en sommige vriendelijke gildeleden geven me soms leveringscontracten tegen een fatsoenlijke vergoeding. Het huidige PrUn-universum is meer dan een jaar oud en sommige mensen hebben al enorme besparingen waarbij meer dan 2 schepen nodig zijn om alles te krijgen waar het nodig is.

Momenteel heeft mijn tweede schip net een zending opgehaald in een hoek van het universum van een andere factie, niet ver van Benten. Ik had het geluk om een ​​goede deal te vinden die 12.000 betaalde, wat meer dan de brandstofkosten voor de hele rondreis dekte. Maar het liet me kennismaken met een ander element van het spel dat ik nog niet eerder had gezien: de verschillende facties hebben verschillende valuta's, dus ze betaalden me "een belachelijk bedrag" dat ik thuis niet kan gebruiken. Er is een valutamarkt, maar die is erg ingewikkeld. Dus besloot ik iets anders te doen: nadat ik de lading aan het Benten-systeem heb afgeleverd, vlieg ik naar de Benten Goods Exchange. Verschillende goederenbeurzen hebben verschillende prijzen. In het geval van Benten bevinden de beste planeten voor het oogsten van grondstoffen om brandstoffen met lage snelheid te produceren zich in het Benten-systeem. Hierdoor zijn de STL-brandstofprijzen bij tankstation Benten lager dan elders. In plaats van te proberen de vreemde valuta om te zetten in de valuta die ik gebruik, heb ik er gewoon 300 FTL en 1000 STL brandstof mee gekocht. Met een prijsverschil van 3 credits per eenheid STL-brandstof in vergelijking met mijn lokale markt, is dat nog steeds een winst van 3.000 per rit. En ik kan deze brandstof voor mezelf gebruiken.

Is alles voor vandaag. Ik zal zeker niet elke dag posten, Prosperous Universe is een langzaam spel en er zal niet elke dag iets te posten zijn.

PrUn Log - Stardate 2022-05-03

In een eerder bericht zei Maazels: "Misschien heb ik deze game verward, ik heb nog steeds moeite om erachter te komen hoe ik het moet doen na het volgen van de YouTube-tutorial." Het goede nieuws, Moselle, je bent niet de enige. Het rijke universum* verkennen is verbijsterend. Ik spreek zelfs af en toe met PrUn Help om vragen te beantwoorden van gênante nieuwe spelers zoals jij. De hulp is meestal erg behulpzaam, klaar om alle vragen van de nieuwe speler te beantwoorden. De PrUn-gemeenschap is geweldig.

Naast de trainingsvideo's, die misschien wel de beste zijn, zijn er tal van video's van andere mensen op YouTube of Twitch die het begin van het spel behandelen of je door alle stappen leiden . Maar de belangrijkste nieuwe functie in PrUn is het COLIQ-team, waarmee u uw bedrijf kunt verwijderen en opnieuw kunt beginnen. Dit betekent dat je je geen zorgen hoeft te maken over carrièrekeuzes, verkeerde startups op de planeet of je eerste basis upgraden. Wanneer dit gebeurt, kun je het gemakkelijk opnieuw proberen, toepassen wat je in de eerste ronde hebt geleerd en het de tweede keer beter doen.

Een ander goed nieuws is dat de gebruikersinterface verwarrend is omdat deze zo krachtig is. Het enige dat u kunt doen, is meerdere schermen toevoegen (de knop "Toevoegen" staat bovenaan elk scherm). En dan kun je een grote "tegel" delen, zodat je zoveel vierkanten kunt hebben als je wilt, ze naar wens kunt vormen en ze met elke volgorde kunt vullen. Ik heb bijvoorbeeld een COM-scherm met al mijn chatvensters. Of een scherm met allerlei informatie over de lokale uitwisseling van Moria-producten.

Laten we teruggaan naar de avonturen van Kapa Alpha Industries. Ik heb een aantal leuke lessen gehad sinds mijn laatste bericht gedurende de dag. Oorspronkelijk, "Mijn schip is aangekomen", arriveerde de eerste grote partij producten die op mijn basis werden geproduceerd, op de handelsbeurs, klaar voor verkoop. Hij had 100 doses, 40 drinkwater - 188 zuurstof, in totaal meer dan 20.000. In feite zijn slechts 88 van deze zuurstofverzamelaars mijn eerste collegeklas. De andere 100 die ik kocht op de lokale Verdant-markt, aangezien iemand op de markt ze voor slechts 60 credits verkocht, wist ik zeker dat ik ze voor 75 roepies kon verkopen.

Dus begon ik mijn product te verkopen. Toen ik met Discord sprak over de verkoop van mijn Oxygen, waren er nog maar 129. Ik wilde dat geld gebruiken om een ​​tweede bouwmateriaal voor de CPU te kopen. Een vriend van mij van een gilde vroeg me of ik zuurstof kon verkopen aan een nabijgelegen planeet waar onze gilde is en bood me een lening van 100 credits aan. Dus dat deed ik, plus enkele nevenovereenkomsten met hem. Tegelijkertijd bood een ander gildelid me kortingen aan op bouwmaterialen die ik nodig had. Dus door extra geld te krijgen voor mijn producenten, op afgeprijsde producten, was ik in staat om materialen te krijgen voor zowel de tweede keukenmachine als de derde centrale kast. Het duurt nog een paar dagen om alles op de juiste plek te krijgen. Maar tegen het einde van de week zal mijn netto basisinkomen naar verwachting van 5,2K naar 6K per dag gaan. En dan moet ik nog een blogpost schrijven over het balanceren van de productie voor mijn sanitairteam, een boerderij tussen twee voedselverwerkers.

Minggu, 29 Mei 2022

First Day Start in Prosperous Universe

This is an accurately detailed walkthrough of your first day in the thriving universe , taking you through wholesale production from its inception. I use the Victorian profession (Food Maker) as an example because it is one of the easiest options. I plan to discuss other career paths in the future, but will return to this article to learn more about the common steps in each career. Good readers may note that the screenshots are not from my main account, and I usually don't have more than one account. Thanks to Molp of Simulogics for letting me have a second account for this blog series.

So if you want to play the Rich Universe game, create an account and click the Play Now button. Greetings from the Apex company creation wizard in the launch package. As I said earlier, for the purpose of this guide, we are going to select the Viktorler Launcher package. If the screenshot below is too small for you, you can click on it for a larger version.
In the next tab, select the starting point Hortus - Promitor (VH-331a). Why did this happened? There are 3 criteria here: the first is the table in the lower right corner, which shows that the nearest commodity exchange port is "OK" and therefore only accessible from light aircraft with relatively low speed . The second is the amount of water on the planet, which is very important for agriculture. The third is soil fertility, which is of course important, but the real value here is less than the fact that the land as a whole is less fertile. You can't grow on planets without fertile soil.
Now go to the Company Details tab and enter your company name and three or four digit code. If you try to be smart and use something like KOS for your 4-digit code, you'll find someone has already arrived. Finally, there is the last tab, preselect opt. In this tab, "Click here to read and understand this apostasy." You can then click the "Create" button. If nothing happens at this point, go back to the Company Details tab and select a different name and icon. As I write this, this part is still working, so you may not get the correct error message that tells you exactly what happened, but you've probably tried a commonly used company name or character. After finding the original name and icon and clicking Create, the following screen will appear.
"Welcome graduates!" This is a quick guide to the APEX user interface. I strongly recommend that you read the contents of those twelve boxes and follow the instructions. We will use this information later in the tutorial to create new screens. Next, we create the first base.
As indicated in the hint window, you need to press the START BASE key under the Start Planet Control Panel. This will basically be a blue pad in the middle. And the button is below what you see on this screenshot. Therefore, you must scroll down in this field until this button appears:
After clicking BEGIN BASE, another window will open, in which case click BUILD BASE. Congratulations, you are now a citizen of this planet. Before we continue to expand our base, we will create a new screen that will help us manage our inventory. To do this, click the ADD key next to SCRNS at the top of the screen. You've entered a name, the description is optional, click "Create" and you'll be taken to a big blank window. Hover over the gear icon at the top right of this box and click the vertical bar to split large squares vertically into two smaller parts. Then do the same with the crossbar in both new areas to create a total of 4 small squares. Now click on the INV button on the left sidebar. A new account window will open. Isolation windows aren't permanent, so now drag your collection onto the blue bar at the top right of the four squares. Now close the empty cache and click one of the three OPEN buttons in the inventory. Open one of your arrows, which you can now drag to your other four squares. Finally, you'll create a useful screen with information about all your items.
You see, what you have is in storage on both ships and your main container is open. So now drag and drop each colored square onto the square marked with everything on your main object which only appears when you drag it. The end result should be the following.
This construction brings clues to the window. The important part here reminds you of Viktor's starting profile, recommended buildings, 2 HB1 Test Residential Buildings, 1 Water Drill, 1 FRM Crop Farm, and 1 FP Food Processor. Food is a basic need. In this case, I recommend making the backup window smaller because before we create these buildings, we'll first create another screen in the APEX UI. As before, add a screen, name something like a planet (because the base has already been taken), and divide it into 4 squares again. Click on BS in the left panel. Click Base View and drag the resulting background view to the first blank whiteboard on the blue bar.

Now we have the key of creation where we can build our base. Print it out and build a pioneer house twice (from now on ! ) in the Infrastructure tab of the Construction Window. Go to the Resources tab and create a forum. The advice to start production is obvious, but can be narrowed down a bit. Then switch to the Pathfinders tab and build a farm and a food processor. The main screen should display 120 pathfinders currently working. Press the Work, Expert and Production buttons and drag the new fields to the blank area on the blue bar. Your screen should now look like this:
You can press the ACT button to enable the first expert that is not installed yet; otherwise you don't need the expert section yet. We can now return to the Tips window when production begins. If you minimize it, the number next to NEW BFR will appear at the bottom of the screen. Once closed, don't worry, you can write HINT to the new database to get the full list of tips again. Let's first look at your list by hovering over the SCRNS and opening the inventory screen we created earlier. You notice that all the blue building materials are missing from your inventory, you used them all to build these buildings. Green still has two fuel cues for his ships, Fastest Flying FL Flight and Slowest Flying FL. In bright red, your visitors will see clothing staples, food staples, and drinking water being the main items. You'll find carb-rich dark red and light blue beans, protein-rich BEA beans and VEG triglycerides, and some H2O water. We're doing more of them now, but also the ones that allow you to run production lines in all three production buildings.
So, go back to the screen of the planet you created and look at the bricks. We are now putting out a new order for each of the three production buildings. Let's start with the platform. Click New Command below the device.
Since the machine can only make one recipe here, you can simply click on ORDER IN QUEUE. A device will open to exchange raw materials (which can now be reduced) and a water product will appear on your device.
Yes, this is a 6.5 hour live production. This is a slow game. Feel free to press ORDER QUEUE 5 more times to complete the product line. Note that you can set the order size in the work window, but for now I don't recommend doing that. Yes, you can install up to 20 apps in a slot, which will give you 160 watts instead of 8, but it will take more than 5 days and water will only be available after this time. Keep an eye on Unit Production as we need the water they used to produce the farm.

If you click NEW ORDER in the field, a very similar window will open with a previous model that turns one water into two grains. Do not do that. Or tap the lower triangle next to this recipe and select a recipe that turns 6 water into 4 grains. Although it may look bad, it produces beans a little faster. Order only twice, then switch to another recipe. This time we exchanged 4 water for 4 pills, again only 1 order. Finally, we chose a recipe to turn 3 waters into 4 vegetables. To access this recipe, you need to scroll down and maybe climb up the window.
You have now scheduled a production day for your farm. You still have 3 free slots in the queue, so you can repeat the BEA/GRN/VEG sequence if you wish.

Finally, we started making our own food processors. We currently use two different recipes: one converts 10 units of water into 7 units of drinking water. Another is to turn 1 BEA and 1 GRN and 1 VEG into 10 foods. To balance water production and consumption, I recommend giving 1 order of DW and then 2 orders of basic RAT rations, starting with the promoter. You can do this twice:
Congratulations, the food and drink you're working on right now. On Prometor, you make a small profit on BEA, HRN, and VEG, but I don't recommend selling this profit, you may need a second time. It also produces more than 5 DW and 24 RAT per day for its astronauts. The only thing your pioneers don't eat is basic clothing. His work window consumes 0.6 per day and his inventory starts at 4, so that's enough for 6 days. You may want to take a ship from Prometheus to Hortus Station to buy more clothes. But you can wait a day or two before doing this and take it with you to sell the extra shares. But this is another story for another day.

If you have any other questions, feel free to post in the comment section below or open a new in-game repository, click USR Tobold and then click Contact User and chat with me in-game.


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