Bipartisan democracy is not very open to compromise. Although in many other democracies the larger party does not yet have an absolute majority and is able to form a coalition and make concessions to the government, in a two-party system the first party automatically has an absolute majority. Since the majority party has no reason to compromise, this can put the minority party in a position where nothing can be achieved through ordinary political means. If Florida Republicans pass the gay education bill, there's not much Democrats can do.
In terms of demographics, however, there is often a correlation between older conservatives and younger progressives and progressives. This is particularly true in Florida, where 21% of the population is over 65 years old, compared to 15% in California and 13% in Texas . So the working-age population is more progressive than the voters. It's easy to see how progressives can have a strong majority *within the company* in a company like Disney in Florida. Because these progressives may not have achieved much through other political means, but because Citizens United allowed Disney to wield tremendous political power, Disney progressive employees are more likely to use political power to pressure their management. to act politically.
In addition to progressive employees, the company also negotiates with clients between the ages of 18 and 34, who in turn are more progressive than their mandate holders. Have you seen a lot of marketing about a great seniors experience at Disney World? What you see instead is that conservative-managed companies in conservative states are also struggling to show progress in the recent wave of branding shifts that move away from the racial and cultural stereotypes of the past.
Historically, the company has a long history of playing both sides. If the ultimate goal of political donations is political gain that brings economic benefit to your business, then you need to give money to different parties at different levels of government; For example, the mayor of Orlando is a Democrat even though the governor of Florida is a Republican. But the extreme political polarization of US politics could end with both sides taking action. Disney initially tried not to stick with DeSantis' proposed education project until its employees were forced to step aside and side with Disney.
Of course, Republicans like the United Citizens government while cash flow should go their way. And the company simply favors Republicans while pursuing pro-business policies. When corporations decide they don't benefit from supporting their Republican policies of non-subsidization and corporations instead seek to make progressive employees and customers happier, United Citizen's political influence can shift to the left. And Republicans are not happy about it. But authoritarian Republican politicians who target "smart" companies with punitive measures are likely to undermine bilateralism and business ties. It gets confusing but interesting.