Selasa, 31 Mei 2022

Do platform exclusives still make sense?

In 2020, I played Horizon Zero Dawn on PC for about 60 hours. I just liked it. So theoretically Horizon could be a client of Forbidden West. Unfortunately, this game is still playable "only" on the PlayStation. I am also a potential buyer of Plaster 5, but I am sure that the seller will not give me a thousand dollars. This means that everything that I bought and PS5, but could not, was banned for certain games due to their "differences".

Now, on previous generation consoles, that could mean something. I almost got the key to play Wild Breath. Some games may openly boost console sales. However, if the console expires permanently, this argument will disappear. Sony is already selling the PS5 as soon as possible. They don't make extra money by being alone with their consoles. Gaming companies are limiting their sales to people who can afford the PS5. There are many customers who don't buy these games because of the console supply situation.

So I wonder what could be the economic meaning of a play on one stage. Is Sony still investing heavily in gaming companies to limit its gaming placement? Will this money be enough to compensate potential customers for game companies that have lost customers?


KATA PENGANTAR: Puji syukur kehadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa atas segala limpahan Rahmat, Ina, Taufiq dan Hinaya yang memungkinkan saya untu...