Senin, 30 Mei 2022

Progress in Prosperous Universe

A prosperous universe is an economic game. You are not the hero, you are playing friendship. Thus, growth is measured in money, in products, in profit, not in steps. The game offers some preliminary work, materials for laying the first foundation on one of the first planets. For example, I chose Victor և the game gave me enough material to build a foundation consisting of a basic module, 2 pioneer houses, 1 drilling, 1 farm և 1 food processor. It all depends on where you go. The idea behind building your home is to use the remaining money and profit to buy more production buildings և materials for extra income.

Rich Universe (PrUn) is a very slow game. It took me days to build my first additional building. Now you can set up your favorite game, log in once or twice a day for just 10 minutes և play the game without much planning. But for me, the real PrUn "game" is to improve your economy. As many players do, there is a full page of tools, programs, and schedules, such as community resources . So instead of looking at my daily or actual expenses, I use the formula հաշվ to calculate how profitable I am և what I can do to maximize profits.

In my case, the base with the proposed building is 2.5 thousand per day. When I bought luxury items for my pioneers, it was over 3,000. Pioneers are the lowest paid class in hunting. Each unit has a limited number of "important" utilities և will stop working when they run out. And then there are luxury goods that boost morale and, consequently, productivity. The hard part for other players is buying and selling everything ությունը changing prices. So the simple question is, Will I provide luxury for my pioneers? It depends on the price of those luxuries and the price of the goods produced by the pioneers.

Then I had to decide what to build. Studying this gives me an idea of ​​the basics of a prosperous space economy. My food base there was not very profitable, but the main advantage is that it produces two of the three main items that pioneers need: fresh water and basic food. Since I chose to start on a planet that is not close to trade, I need some planning to save enough space. Everything you do or do not send will help. However, when these basic needs are met, more profitable alternatives to food production emerge.

In my case, I'm on the planet. So he was a very profitable collector for the construction of another building to increase profits. This increased my daily profit from 3.1 thousand to 4.7 thousand. The collector "pays for himself" within 12 days, which costs about 25 thousand. But since I was earning money from food production, I was able to get another collector in a week. But the game is much more complicated. But the modular house of my house is only 200. So if I make another collector, I will. I need another house to reduce efficiency խնդիրները to solve problems due to lack of staff.

I think you have an idea of ​​the first stage of the development of the prosperity of the universe. And all the profit margins I give here belong only to my unique planet, today's market value. As I saw, the price of oxygen is decreasing. Maybe I do not want to create a collector anymore, but to expand food production, if doses are more profitable than oxygen. And I understand that diet has more benefits, there is an internal market for them. Some players on the planet have started to produce oxygen without thinking about food production. So I can sell basic food ելու drinking water.

And that's just a big deal. You will not add another building to your foundation. But you can escape with small improvements. For example, the production of staple food requires three different agricultural products: և I use beans, wheat: vegetables. But it is known that beans are lower in the market than beans and vegetables. So I increased the profitability of my farm by producing just two expensive products, importing the cheapest beans. This means that I will already focus on the supply of agricultural products. If you decide to invest in a second food processor, it may be more profitable, but I do not have money to buy another farm.

Each additional building takes up space on your base, և your starting point is limited to 500. But at least I did not go down without explaining myself first. And with permission I can add 250 250 space to an existing database or create a second database on another planet. But the second fund is a big economic project, because I have to buy new basic modules - housing modules, like it - production buildings. And not all planets are so hospitable with good heat and pressure. If I want to build a new foundation in the unfavorable conditions of the planet, I need additional materials such as foam. I think the total cost of such a fund is about 300 thousand rubles. That's enough for me, but you can see the way the universe is prospering. This is a game that has been played for months. So far I'm had a lot of fun, but we need to see how it goes in the long run.


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