Minggu, 29 Mei 2022

First Day Start in Prosperous Universe

This is an accurately detailed walkthrough of your first day in the thriving universe , taking you through wholesale production from its inception. I use the Victorian profession (Food Maker) as an example because it is one of the easiest options. I plan to discuss other career paths in the future, but will return to this article to learn more about the common steps in each career. Good readers may note that the screenshots are not from my main account, and I usually don't have more than one account. Thanks to Molp of Simulogics for letting me have a second account for this blog series.

So if you want to play the Rich Universe game, create an account and click the Play Now button. Greetings from the Apex company creation wizard in the launch package. As I said earlier, for the purpose of this guide, we are going to select the Viktorler Launcher package. If the screenshot below is too small for you, you can click on it for a larger version.
In the next tab, select the starting point Hortus - Promitor (VH-331a). Why did this happened? There are 3 criteria here: the first is the table in the lower right corner, which shows that the nearest commodity exchange port is "OK" and therefore only accessible from light aircraft with relatively low speed . The second is the amount of water on the planet, which is very important for agriculture. The third is soil fertility, which is of course important, but the real value here is less than the fact that the land as a whole is less fertile. You can't grow on planets without fertile soil.
Now go to the Company Details tab and enter your company name and three or four digit code. If you try to be smart and use something like KOS for your 4-digit code, you'll find someone has already arrived. Finally, there is the last tab, preselect opt. In this tab, "Click here to read and understand this apostasy." You can then click the "Create" button. If nothing happens at this point, go back to the Company Details tab and select a different name and icon. As I write this, this part is still working, so you may not get the correct error message that tells you exactly what happened, but you've probably tried a commonly used company name or character. After finding the original name and icon and clicking Create, the following screen will appear.
"Welcome graduates!" This is a quick guide to the APEX user interface. I strongly recommend that you read the contents of those twelve boxes and follow the instructions. We will use this information later in the tutorial to create new screens. Next, we create the first base.
As indicated in the hint window, you need to press the START BASE key under the Start Planet Control Panel. This will basically be a blue pad in the middle. And the button is below what you see on this screenshot. Therefore, you must scroll down in this field until this button appears:
After clicking BEGIN BASE, another window will open, in which case click BUILD BASE. Congratulations, you are now a citizen of this planet. Before we continue to expand our base, we will create a new screen that will help us manage our inventory. To do this, click the ADD key next to SCRNS at the top of the screen. You've entered a name, the description is optional, click "Create" and you'll be taken to a big blank window. Hover over the gear icon at the top right of this box and click the vertical bar to split large squares vertically into two smaller parts. Then do the same with the crossbar in both new areas to create a total of 4 small squares. Now click on the INV button on the left sidebar. A new account window will open. Isolation windows aren't permanent, so now drag your collection onto the blue bar at the top right of the four squares. Now close the empty cache and click one of the three OPEN buttons in the inventory. Open one of your arrows, which you can now drag to your other four squares. Finally, you'll create a useful screen with information about all your items.
You see, what you have is in storage on both ships and your main container is open. So now drag and drop each colored square onto the square marked with everything on your main object which only appears when you drag it. The end result should be the following.
This construction brings clues to the window. The important part here reminds you of Viktor's starting profile, recommended buildings, 2 HB1 Test Residential Buildings, 1 Water Drill, 1 FRM Crop Farm, and 1 FP Food Processor. Food is a basic need. In this case, I recommend making the backup window smaller because before we create these buildings, we'll first create another screen in the APEX UI. As before, add a screen, name something like a planet (because the base has already been taken), and divide it into 4 squares again. Click on BS in the left panel. Click Base View and drag the resulting background view to the first blank whiteboard on the blue bar.

Now we have the key of creation where we can build our base. Print it out and build a pioneer house twice (from now on ! ) in the Infrastructure tab of the Construction Window. Go to the Resources tab and create a forum. The advice to start production is obvious, but can be narrowed down a bit. Then switch to the Pathfinders tab and build a farm and a food processor. The main screen should display 120 pathfinders currently working. Press the Work, Expert and Production buttons and drag the new fields to the blank area on the blue bar. Your screen should now look like this:
You can press the ACT button to enable the first expert that is not installed yet; otherwise you don't need the expert section yet. We can now return to the Tips window when production begins. If you minimize it, the number next to NEW BFR will appear at the bottom of the screen. Once closed, don't worry, you can write HINT to the new database to get the full list of tips again. Let's first look at your list by hovering over the SCRNS and opening the inventory screen we created earlier. You notice that all the blue building materials are missing from your inventory, you used them all to build these buildings. Green still has two fuel cues for his ships, Fastest Flying FL Flight and Slowest Flying FL. In bright red, your visitors will see clothing staples, food staples, and drinking water being the main items. You'll find carb-rich dark red and light blue beans, protein-rich BEA beans and VEG triglycerides, and some H2O water. We're doing more of them now, but also the ones that allow you to run production lines in all three production buildings.
So, go back to the screen of the planet you created and look at the bricks. We are now putting out a new order for each of the three production buildings. Let's start with the platform. Click New Command below the device.
Since the machine can only make one recipe here, you can simply click on ORDER IN QUEUE. A device will open to exchange raw materials (which can now be reduced) and a water product will appear on your device.
Yes, this is a 6.5 hour live production. This is a slow game. Feel free to press ORDER QUEUE 5 more times to complete the product line. Note that you can set the order size in the work window, but for now I don't recommend doing that. Yes, you can install up to 20 apps in a slot, which will give you 160 watts instead of 8, but it will take more than 5 days and water will only be available after this time. Keep an eye on Unit Production as we need the water they used to produce the farm.

If you click NEW ORDER in the field, a very similar window will open with a previous model that turns one water into two grains. Do not do that. Or tap the lower triangle next to this recipe and select a recipe that turns 6 water into 4 grains. Although it may look bad, it produces beans a little faster. Order only twice, then switch to another recipe. This time we exchanged 4 water for 4 pills, again only 1 order. Finally, we chose a recipe to turn 3 waters into 4 vegetables. To access this recipe, you need to scroll down and maybe climb up the window.
You have now scheduled a production day for your farm. You still have 3 free slots in the queue, so you can repeat the BEA/GRN/VEG sequence if you wish.

Finally, we started making our own food processors. We currently use two different recipes: one converts 10 units of water into 7 units of drinking water. Another is to turn 1 BEA and 1 GRN and 1 VEG into 10 foods. To balance water production and consumption, I recommend giving 1 order of DW and then 2 orders of basic RAT rations, starting with the promoter. You can do this twice:
Congratulations, the food and drink you're working on right now. On Prometor, you make a small profit on BEA, HRN, and VEG, but I don't recommend selling this profit, you may need a second time. It also produces more than 5 DW and 24 RAT per day for its astronauts. The only thing your pioneers don't eat is basic clothing. His work window consumes 0.6 per day and his inventory starts at 4, so that's enough for 6 days. You may want to take a ship from Prometheus to Hortus Station to buy more clothes. But you can wait a day or two before doing this and take it with you to sell the extra shares. But this is another story for another day.

If you have any other questions, feel free to post in the comment section below or open a new in-game repository, click USR Tobold and then click Contact User and chat with me in-game.


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