For the 99.5% of the population who do not identify as transgender or intersex, it is very important who is "male" and who is "female". Much of culture and literature is devoted to the relationship between a man and a woman. Netflix's most popular show at the moment, Bridgeton, would not be possible with gender-neutral "people". And since feminism is one of the earliest forms of identity politics, many feminists do not accept the possibility of erasing female identity or making it available to everyone. Nobody wants to fight for "reproductive human rights", because it can be very wrong.
Whether out of politeness (in the case of the dressing room) or out of a sense of fairness (in the case of sports), the company has decided that for certain activities or places it would be preferable to separate men and women. And while some of these sections, such as the men and women who met separately after dinner, were eventually abandoned, others were deemed necessary enough to be preserved. Rejection of any reasonable definition of the term "woman" makes separation impossible. And that makes feminism impossible: if you can not define what a "woman" is, how can there be "women's rights"? And if there are no "women", then there are no "men", which is inconvenient for those who tend to blame men for everything.
What strikes me a little strangely is the dissonance between science and politics. Although there are very few real mixed cases, science usually identifies a person as a man or woman without problems. On the other hand, there is no binary method in science to identify a person as white or black. Imagine if a strange plan is implemented to pay for compensation for slavery, and every "white" will have to pay for the compensation and every "black" will get money. There will be many people who claim to be "black" and science can not say otherwise.
For the average person, who is usually not 100% politically correct, the sexual attraction that exists between heterosexual men and women is an important part of their life and thus defines what a man and a woman are. And I think this is the last barrier that will prevent identity theft from the term "woman". While a transgender person may "identify as a woman," this does not necessarily make them sexually attractive to the average man. It also prevents that person from getting pregnant. A "pregnant woman" is a woman, no matter what the Washington Post says.