My favorite board game app is Forler . Provides audio acting for game history text. Mentioning the article as a joke saves me from reading the article in one go. But in multiplayer games, they avoid making anyone read the text aloud. It is also not uncommon for professional voice actors to read the text aloud and perform better than the average board player. With regard to the Dark Quarter, it is still not clear how far the story will go, unfortunately part of the text is heard in Destinies. Foreller recently sent me an email announcing the upcoming announcement. Bleach! But fortunately they ruined it by posting an image on this letter which is the sleep cover of the upcoming album cover: the distant sky . Oh my gosh, I hope they do the original Sleep Gods because this is already a good game with voice acting and script to read a lot.
There is another great use of historical application, but if you still find the book, it is completely optional. That way, you can still play if the app is closed for some reason. This is one of the most controversial sites for tablet games. But if the text is only in the app and is not published in the book, the cost of the game product may be lower. I opted for the 59 ዝ Base Deposit for Dark Quarters, which is not a bad thing for multiplayer games these days.
While I'm not worried about immortality, I'm concerned that Destinies is using apps to hide information from players. For example, when you have to take a skill test, the app does not tell you how successful you should be. Just enter the number of successes in the app and then check whether you succeeded or not. The Destinies app is used to scan QR codes on individual cards, enabling the "Piece Bar If Door" type in point and click adventure games. Sometimes it can be fun, but other times it can be very frustrating not knowing that you have to use your credit card for that door.
Mixed games between board games and apps are becoming more and more popular. The "Smartboard Game" system did not work. So it seems that the developers have not decided which parts of the board game will benefit from the app support. I think a lot of exciting things are coming!