Selasa, 31 Mei 2022

Kickstarter adventure board games of March 2022

Although I’m European, I don’t really think about board games, which are usually called European and often very abstract. I prefer the American style of play, which has a sense of adventure and history. After all, I want to play not only in order to win points. (Note: we played Clank for 4 players! On Friday night I basically sabotaged my winning points to activate the main event, while other players ignored the event and erased the points. I think we have other conditions for "winning" in mind ..)

So this month on Kickstarter I was thrilled with three different games that best fit my style:Malhya, Lands of Legends , then Tidal Blades 2: Rise of the Unfolders and finally Fire For Light . And I wonder how different not only these games, but also their campaigns on Kickstarter.

At the time of writing, Malhya had 3426 fans, 4 days left. If you just look at the base token, it’s the most expensive of the three games, as it’s the only one that doesn’t have a cheaper token with a stand than a miniature. But it is also the most difficult of the three games and the one in which you get the most items. Malhya was produced by a French company, so soon they planned a different language version. To make it easier, they use a variety of characters instead of text on their gaming equipment. Some people find this annoying because it seems confusing until you figure out how it works. But the advantage is that it makes the game better. The theme is relatively general fantasy, but with an original fantasy world. There are a lot of new ideas in this game, and the developers have done a great job explaining these ideas in two languages ​​on their YouTube channel . Although this is the first game from this group of developers, they are collaborating with a company that has conducted several successful campaigns on Kickstarter and knows what they are doing. The biggest risk with Malchia is that it is very challenging and will take a lot of energy to train it and bring it to the table. Its greatest strength is that its complexity makes the game quite profound; Think of games like Gloomhaven, with lots of game time.

Tidal Blades 2 is a much simpler offer. Basic interactions with individual travelers (and I like individual travelers) are much cheaper than $ 89. This campaign has 12 days left as I write, and already has 4,326 fans. It will be the most supported and funded of the three games on my list. If you buy a deluxe version with thumbnails, check out $ 159, and there are more expensive promises that include an RPG book. What brings me to my critique: Tidal Blades 1, Tidal Blades 2 and the RPG Tidal Blades are three very, very different things that share knowledge, but are not so different. It's not a sequel like "Oh, I love Tidal Blades 1", I have to support Tidal Blades 2. Tidal Blades 1 is a European-style job that deals with employment, and Tidal Blades 2 is an adventure game. It’s also the company’s first adventure game, so we don’t have any records to claim it’s good. The risks / strengths of Tidal Blades 2 perfectly complement Malhya: its strength is that sitting at a table seems much easier and simpler, while the risk is that the gameplay is not deep enough to bring you to the end of the campaign. stunned. .

Fire For Light is confusing. I watched YouTube and I liked many aspects of the game. But the base bookmark costs $ 99 more than the Tidal Blades 2, and the overall promise of the miniature is $ 269. The problem is that Kickstarter doesn’t explain clearly enough what you get for all that money. Or, as they say, “Components here show a base box example” instead of showing them all, which is probably the worst idea for a Kickstarter project. As a result, they have only 207 supporters, 23% funded, and most likely will not be funded at all, even for 15 days. I think it’s wrong that it’s designed as an outdated game (a fact that is poorly explained), and a lot of the components are in a “secret package” that the developers don’t want to show because, you know, spoilers. But since they don’t show the total number of components you get in the box, or how the game gets harder and harder from section to section, it seems like a very easy game for too much money. You see the first image of the game on the Kickstarter page and think "what is it?". I think there is something else in this game, but they may need to undo this kickstarter and reconsider their marketing to make it more understandable to the public.


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