Kamis, 30 Juni 2022

Worst of both worlds?

I recently heard about a board game called Paolo, which won the “Game of the Year ” award. And I'm not 100% sure I want it. On the one hand, playing alone or together, it meets my criteria for some kind of development and interesting options. On the other hand, I'm not sure if this game can tell a story without words. I'm not a big fan of abstract games. Critics, however, say that Pale mastered the art of storytelling. So before I bought this game, I thought of a way to try this.

I learned that Paleo is free to play on Tabletopia online . I've never used Tabletopia or similar software like Tabletop Simulator. Basically, I heard about Tabletop Simulator and most of the games are "fan made", which I think are "hacked". But the games on Tabletopia are public releases made by the developer, which makes this option even more interesting (your mileage may vary.)

All of this ends as developer Paolo thought when you made the game available for free. Remember, if you live in North America and you're finding it really hard to get there, you might consider ordering the game on Amazon.com for $40. You can find English rule books online , and the card names aren't relevant to the game, so it doesn't matter what the foreign language is.

But paleo's experience at Tabletopia taught me why developers are willing to play for free and why I wouldn't pay $99 per year for a gold subscription that lets me play non-free games. Board games seem very difficult and embarrassing in simulation software. It combines board game crashes, such as managing all components and all accounting, with computer game crashes, losing cards and dice. After playing Paleon, I decided that I would definitely choose to play the physical version, even alone, but especially with my wife.

As mentioned recently, I love digital versions of board games like Gloomhaven. However, the user interface of this software is designed to automate some game mechanics. I've seen it play independent digital field games, when I select an option on the map, the game will automatically add and remove resources and place cards in the correct pile. But dragging all your resources, tokens and cards by hand to Tabletopia isn't very fast. And when I have to do everything by hand, I choose the right physical version.


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