Kamis, 30 Juni 2022

An outdated way to watch TV

About a year ago, I bought an Apple TV 4K device, mainly for TV services like Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, or YouTube. This purchase includes one year of free use of Apple TV+, and this free year will end soon. Unlike most subscriptions, Apple TV+ subscriptions can't be canceled right away and can be watched until the last day; If you leave it, you will lose access, so if you want to use it until the last day, you will have to cancel it on the last day.

So what have I seen on Apple TV+ in a year? Small! The mythical search was correct, only the "Quarantine" section was truly wonderful. Ted Lasso turning into a stupid premise (“What if they hired a football coach to coach British football?”) turns into a very visual comedy. And a morning show with many stars, but otherwise worth watching.

So I see what I want and then I unsubscribe? Not so fast! Ted Lasso and The Morning Show for the second season. And you can't have breakfast. A weekly episode is released: "The next episode will be out next Friday." Yes of course? I think it's a very old way of giving television. Ted Lasso - in the 12th series of 12, and in the 2nd season of "Morning Show" - only in the 2nd series of 10. If I want to see the season finale, I have to subscribe to Apple TV + for two months. I'm sorry, Reese and Jennifer, but I won't do that even if it's only $4.99 a month.

Of course, Netflix has more and better original content, and Amazon Prime has the rest. Also, Amazon Prime is almost free when I exclude the cost savings on shipping my orders from Amazon. Unlike Apple TV+, the original cancellation scam doesn't exist and most sessions are streamed live. Anyone who's a little scared of subscribing to a lot of stuff should switch to Apple TV+!


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