Jumat, 01 Juli 2022

Gloomhaven digital release date announced

Gloomhaven is a fantastic strategic game. In addition to the main board game, there is a "Lion's Jaw" version and a digital version of Steam , which is currently in pre-release, but the full version will be available on October 20th. And, surprisingly, you may need one of these versions and stay away from the original game.

I look forward to the full digital release of Glomhaven, which will allow me to campaign digitally. In early access, Guild Master Mode provides some experience in the campaign, but also provides different rules for managing characters between short histories and battles. The published version has these two modes, which is a lot of content. You get more content than the basic board game version but at a lower price, so this is a great deal. For me, the main attraction of the digital version will be the single player. I'll be back to the board game version to play with my wife again. The table board game is more interesting to me than two people sharing the same mouse, keyboard and screen.

One of the reasons we don't play often is that the Glumhaven main box is a big problem with 2,600 rooms. This is one of my board games. In my other games, either I didn't need anything like that, or I could print a simple token tray in 3D. Since there is no place to stay in the construction for a long time at the Glomehaven table, this means that a long process of preparation and assembly is required for each session.

Therefore, for anyone who wants to try the board game version, I suggest starting with the lion's jaw. It's exactly the same tactical warfare system, but it's easier to learn and easier to adapt. I recommend the Steam version for a single player game. I hope Asmodi Digital will create a digital version of Frostaven in the future. Because it’s another game that uses the same incredible strategic combat system, but in a bigger box that I haven’t planned to buy yet. In board games, "excessive play" is really important.


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