Jumat, 10 Juni 2022

Aftermath - undervalued

So I bought a free copy of Aftermath and answered the question of why it's so cheap. There are two main reasons: first, the first golfers who play the game have only one set of rules to learn the game; And since the rule book is small, and some rules are not in the rule books, but are scattered around the adventure book or some letters, some people had very difficult moments in the first games of the game. This is definitely not a good situation, and board games on BoardGameGeek can seriously depress user ratings. But she returned in 2019; Today there are many videos on YouTube that describe how to play the game, you can even watch the games of different people during the first mission. BoardGameGeek contains an extended grammar tutorial and other useful files. So in 2021, it's much easier to understand and play the game without getting bogged down in the rules.

Another possible reason why Aftermath is so cheap is that the original developers lost the right to play Plaid Hat Games games when they split from Asmodee, one of the game publishing giants. He then moved to Z-Man Games, an Asmodee company . "The entire team is thrilled to be the new home of Adventure Book Games, to support them and explore new opportunities in this space," the new owners said, posting a custom letter announcement. , the simple fact that the developers of the original game are still at Plaid Hat Games means that the planned expansions for Aftermath will never see the light of day.

As I said in a previous post, today you can buy Aftermath on Amazon for $50 in the US and €60 in Europe. That's no less than the manufacturer's suggested retail price, which is just $84.95. Considering the amount of sunburn and wonderful miniatures the game brings along with the quality and quantity of the other ingredients, it's also cheap. Although the Aftermath main chest is never tight, it contains 18 missions and 5 side missions in a kind of sandbox open campaign that can keep you busy for hours. If you like Story dungeon crawl board games, I highly recommend that you choose Scores.


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