Kamis, 30 Juni 2022

Don't read this, play a game instead!

Lately I have been losing strength, especially in the evening when I return from work. As a result, I've been spending most of my evenings lately, such as watching videos on YouTube. And because of my interest in games, many of these videos were about games. If you like games, it's a little good, sometimes it's good to see what everyone is playing և to see if you missed the game. But my attitude these days is not entirely confusing, I'm * very * aware of all kinds of board games, video games, I seldom play anything.

And then, of course, I realized that by creating game content on my blog, I was deepening the problem. Why are you reading this instead of playing the game? To some extent, blogging, as old as media, has one major advantage over YouTube videos. It's easy to read in the office, pretending to work. Many companies live under the illusion that each employee works 40 hours a week. In fact, the amount of work you do in the office can fluctuate, and sometimes you wait for someone to give you information to continue. A certain amount of web browsing is perfectly normal if the content is "not safe to work with", which is usually text walls.

But when you read at home, you play a game. Why not?


KATA PENGANTAR: Puji syukur kehadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa atas segala limpahan Rahmat, Ina, Taufiq dan Hinaya yang memungkinkan saya untu...