Selasa, 28 Juni 2022

Spiel Essen 2021

The Spiel in Essen is the largest board game fair in Europe. It usually happens every year but definitely not last year. And since recently rediscovering my love for board games, I haven't really been there in three decades. But this year I left. Unfortunately Saturday was the worst day but work didn't allow me to go on the first day which is quieter. I might do it next year. Overall it worked: I bought 4 games: the New Beginnings Paleo expansion pack, which was released on the first day of the convention; Fates plus Sea of ​​Sand expansion, a game I doubted but then got a conditional discount. Suspects, a new card-based detective game; And finally Mortum. Medieval Detective, a game I had never heard of before but was interested in learning Witcher style detective stories.

The main downside is that after a full day at the conference, I'm not sure I've seen everything, but my legs hurt a lot to keep going. As part of the outbreak, organizers could easily push the stands to the side, leaving unused space behind the halls. But to enter you needed at least a Covid certificate. I couldn't play as many games as I wanted, it seemed easier for small groups than offering to show someone their game. . So I joined other bands, played Paper Dungeons and Oathsworn. I don't know if I'll get those games later. But even though I couldn't play much, I was given very brief explanations of the games to see if I was interested. Malhya can be crucial, և it seems to me that the game has been in development for a long time since 2018 and even Kickstarter hasn't launched yet.

I was a little embarrassed as I like themed, storytelling games that like to be played together. But in the European table convention, surprisingly, you see the most competitive European games with all kinds of staff building a table with other heavy mechanical gaming elements. Even destinies, guided by stories, are competitive. I have to play with my wife to see how much it bothers us, otherwise I can just play. Only one of the games I sponsored was presented at the conference (Nova Aetas Renaissance). I'd love to see more, at least check them out while waiting for the Kickstarters release.

Anyway, I've gone too far. I booked an airport hotel 15 minutes south of convention which was much cheaper than hotels further afield. I was pleasantly surprised to find that I only paid $6 a day for parking at the convention center. And I only paid 175 euros for the games I bought. I even saved some money by eating out of convention, but it was more about relaxing and putting the toys back in the car so I didn't have to take them out. Overall I had a great time but was glad I booked a hotel rather than heading home after a long conference.


KATA PENGANTAR: Puji syukur kehadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa atas segala limpahan Rahmat, Ina, Taufiq dan Hinaya yang memungkinkan saya untu...