Senin, 27 Juni 2022

Skyrim and market fragmentation

I made another board game on Gamefound (a Kickstarter competitor) ፡ Re Elder Scrolls V ፡ Clear Skyrim Adventure Game . From the big name, you might guess that the Skyrim video game is a version of a board game. As a fan of video games and board games, that sounds like a spectacle, right? But it's actually more complicated.

I'm not a big fan of video games and board games. I'm a fan of video games and I'm a fan of board games. One of the best and newest computer games of the year is Forza Horizon 5, which I will never play. I also don't play high-end board games like Wingspan or Terraforming Mars. I prefer relatively slow games where you have time to think about video games. I don't like games that slowly build to victory at the end of board games, but I prefer games where every step equals an adventure.

As a result, I'm one of the few PC gamers who really dislikes Skyrim. Steam last played in December 2011 and it says I played 21 hours. Just know what the game is about, and the action RPG style was not for me. Skyrim, on the other hand, is a fun board game because it's one of my favorite little board games that tells a story, in this case using multiple tasks and setting cards. My recent visit to the board game shows that the games are few. I once watched a game on YouTube and found it to be a fun adventure to navigate the map, explore dungeons, complete quests, and level up your character.

That said, I'm not a huge Gamefound fan for the Skyrim board game. I took a basic deposit of 68 pounds (80 euros/90 dollars), but if you take into account the postage, it will already be more than 100 euros. But the company will push you to take luxury offers two to three times more expensive. Activities that I have never seen on Kickstarter or Gamefound before, the main promise is almost no goals. I even get basic board games, like three unknown mini-campaigns, only in PDF; Only the highest levels will receive the correct cards. But I'm not interested in the $300 luxury scene, not only because it's so expensive, but because most of the extra money goes into the miniature, a game that doesn't even have a miniature tactical.

Basically, I don't get much benefit from this board game. I usually do this because small board games don't consist of many copies and are often difficult to sell at retail. Even the relatively successful Skyrim Gamefound now boasts nearly 4,000 fans, and tens of thousands of copies of the game are unreleased.


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