Frosthaven is a sequel to Glomhaven, currently the top rated board game on the GameGeek board. Frosthaven has a new campaign to create new characters, new gameplay elements, new monsters, new items and more. However, it is basically "More Glomehaven" Frosthaven, you can use your favorite character from Glomehaven in Frosthaven. Aside from some minor tweaks to the rules, the way they play the situation is the same. Frosthaven is the opposite of Glomhaven : The Lions's Mouth, a smaller and more approachable version of Glomhaven. The larger and less accessible version of Frosthaven Gloomhaven comes in a heavy-duty box that's great for your desk.
That's too much for most people. Frosthaven can be a great game, but do I need 138 other conditions to play? For most brands, 25 conditions in a Lion's Jaw can be enough. The first 95 scenes from Glomhaven are also out of place, and the Forgotten Club expansion includes 20 more scenes. How many conditions do you need to bring the game of "my favorite board game" to life?
My advice to many gamers is to try Lion's Jaw if you're looking for a board game and play Gloomhaven Digital if you're a single player (I'm working on it right now). Play it to the end and ask yourself if you really want more. Supplements are not always good when the original will do.