The good news is that 4 years after the transition took place and the problem first appeared, someone finally understood what the problem was and how to solve it. The problem is the lack of pressure under the controller. And the solution is to take a small square of thick paper (like a business card) and place it on the joy cone behind the commander. And it works! The slide of happiness is completely gone!
I recommend you follow the steps in the IGN edited video . The only bad news is that if your gearbox is not stored separately, you may need to get a Y00 three-point screwdriver and maybe a Philips # 0 screw (I had the latter, but the former is quite a tool ). special). Happiness will cancel your warranty repair, but I prefer an unsupervised supervisor.
I say there is no discovery here, I found the solution only on YouTube, the first video explains the solution for 1 million views . For those unfamiliar with IGN video electronics isolation, it is a bit more structured and easier to understand. Basically, if I can apply this parameter, you can apply it too. :)