Minggu, 29 Mei 2022

PrUn alternative start - Carbon Farmer

As I said in my previous post, I will be reviewing all of the different Prosperous Universe startup kits comparing them to the Victualler I covered in detail. In this issue we will take a look at what Carbon Farmer is all about.

At first glance, Victualler Carbon Farmer has a lot in common. They both rely on agriculture, so they both prefer the same world - lots of water - good fertility. As such, Hortus - Promitor (VH-331a) is again a good starting position facilitating comparison of two early packs if you remove positional effects.

What will change if you use the Carbon Farmer Starter Kit is the collection of proposed designs. Now you get materials to build 2 houses, 2 farms 1 garbage factory. Since you have some HCP hydrocarbons in your inventory, you may be tempted to grow them on some HCP farms and burn them in landfills. However, if you do this, you will get too little carbon too much HCP. So, to balance your production, NEVER produce high-carb corn high-carbon GRN burning the HCP, MAI GRN mixture in a loading and unloading oven, reducing production time from 1 day to 8 hours. In Promitor, your 2 farms produce enough to be able to balance the production of 2 farms producing HCP, MAI GRN with the consumption of 1 crop waste. It just takes some tweaking, as different recipes don't have the same speed.

So Carbon Farmers is a good choice. I do not believe. Of course, my analysis is based on current prices at the time of writing. More importantly, the carbon currently sells for just $250 at the Hortus Station. You can get more if you fly farther, but if you can't get around 400 for carbon, then the Carbon Farmer just makes less profit than the Victualler. Also, because you use all of your farm produce for burning, you have no wells, no food processor, you don't produce water for your farm, and you don't have welding or drinking water for your pioneers. This means that many goods must be imported. Building equipment as the next building helps a bit.

My advice? It may sound strange, but if you want to become a coal farmer, it's better to start fishing using the profits from additional farms to build a garbage factory.


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