Sabtu, 09 Juli 2022

should be the best feeling ever!

Friends, if you feel safe with your partner, you should check. Do they love you enough? Being with someone you love, even if you have a very good relationship, should give you the most comfortable feeling. Jadi Misalkan Kalian Mulai Miki Atau Khawatir Melakukan Sesuatu Karena Takut Mereka Jadi Enga Suka Well this is something you need to see.

"I have to be perfect so he doesn't leave me."
If a girl is strong enough to love herself, she should feel respected and safe around her. Never question his loyalty, love and commitment.
If he loves you, he will, no matter what.
But if not, he will find a way to save you. Believe me

Love is not something that scares or worries you. Instead, it will give you strength and composure. You don't have to change to be liked by them. Love will go its own way to take you. We get to know some people and fall in love for a reason, whether it's the love of your life or a lesson we need to learn.

I feel so bad for the love of those who ask themselves. You deserve a lot and a lot of love for thinking such nonsense. If they really love you, they can't stop you. It takes a long time for someone to not like her .

I've done enough
you are fine.
you are right.


KATA PENGANTAR: Puji syukur kehadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa atas segala limpahan Rahmat, Ina, Taufiq dan Hinaya yang memungkinkan saya untu...