Senin, 04 Juli 2022

Not disappointed in Humankind

Although Humans is sometimes underwhelming, Humans from Amplitude Studios turned out to be exactly what I expected. Civilization 6.5 types. Lead your tribe from the Neolithic to modern times on a wizard-driven map as you explore, expand, exploit and destroy (4X). The main difference in Civ is that you don't control a civilization, you choose a new civilization every age. In my current game, I started with Harappa for fast growth, then went with the Huns to conquer the continent I was on, then focused on builders with Khmer, increased my influence with mines, followed builders again to Siam and me. done away with the Soviet expansionists. This system and the nomad era you start with works really well and I consider it an improvement over the likes of Civ.

In all of these eras, you and your opponents keep the same avatar, only with different clothes in each era. By playing certain games, you can unlock powers and superstitions, allowing you to reveal the identity of your AI avatar. Through the site, your friends can upload your avatar and play against the virtual "you". Interesting idea, terrible execution. Most of his avatars came from an incredibly terrifying valley. And the search system for avatars to download and include as opponents in your game is very bad and annoying. You will miss the choice of Civ enemies.

World creation works pretty well. I played two games with 3 and 4 continents with 4 and 6 players in total. If "new world" is set to "yes", there are exactly 2 players on each continent, and one empty must be found. The last time I played Civ 6, it was much more difficult to create such a world, but I don't know if it has improved since then thanks to updates and DLC. While I enjoy discovering a world with uninhabited continents, it actually seems like a huge bonus for the players, since even AI with a "marine" nature has never been able to conquer these continents before. not find them. In fact, finding routes for ships that have to stay in coastal waters is terrible, and even when you have a ship that can go anywhere and you put it on auto speed, they just go around in circles. The last time I tried this, the Civ didn't do much better with the ship. Maybe I should put the world on the Pangea and not worry about the ships. An interesting difference from Civ is that the world is divided into regions, so you don't have to "create" regions with city blocks.

Usually playing Humankind is like playing Civ. You come with "one more cycle" and suddenly the clock is running out. Good enough for a while. I've been playing "regular" games for 300 rounds now and every time the game reaches the turning point much earlier where you already know you've won (or lost) the game and you just have to press "Spin" to finish. While there are different win conditions, you can also win by simply gaining more reputation at the end of the game, which is a great way to keep score. Maybe I should play a shorter game, there are options for 150 or even 75 rounds and you can always continue playing later. It's hard to predict how many turns you'll want to play, as turns can be quite fast if you don't have any units moving, but it can take a long time if you're building a large army or researching a lot. .

While not a Civ Killer, Humankind is a very good game, similar enough to everyone who loves Civ, but different enough to offer something new. I don't know if I want to pay 50 euros for this. Luckily I played "free*" as the game has been on Xbox Game Pass for PC since release. Oddly enough, this version of Game Pass is at least different from other versions, for example, in the Game Pass version there is no possibility to change the names of cities and soldiers, but this is possible in the versions available on Steam or Epic. . There are still a few minor bugs in the game, such as the battlefield preview not disappearing, but there is no break in the game. If you're a Game Pass subscriber, you really should check this out.


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