Senin, 04 Juli 2022

Curse of Strahd - Session 8

Due to the European summer holidays, the Strades Curse campaign is in full swing. During the last session, the team collaborated with the famous vampire hunter Rudolf van Richton. I was lucky because in that session a new player joined the party and is now playing Rudolph (I always let the character part of his name do what he wants, etc.).

Much of this period is spent with Baba Lisagan, a Strathman sorcerer and former guardian, who is considered to be her "son". To help Baba Lisaga Strad, the Martikov family, Strad's enemies, organized the attack on the wine cellars. So when they return to the wine, it has a third ornament to produce the best wine. But he put the ornament in the heart of the big tree on which the nest was made, and he kept the tree alive. The battle was fought with a flying witch with a dragon skull and a huge fist. But the group was able to kill both of them.

They found something strange in Baba Lisaga's hut. What was even more amazing was when he realized that the thumbnail was too hard for the "baby" to pick up. He became a clay potter with instructions to work as a child. An annoying but no other harm. After the team took the gem, they found the second most sought-after treasure on Strath. According to Future Reading, Strad Tatiana's love was hidden in the memory of a local girl who was reincarnated. Instead of handing over the girl to Strahad, the locals killed her, and Strad destroyed the entire village.

The group took the jewels to the wine cellar and then remembered that they had to do another job: bring the wedding dress to Crescendo. However, the last two sessions brought the young wolf to Abyssinia because they did not want to take him. They knew that the monastery was full of lunatics, and that the ancients had been "helped" by replacing various parts of the body with animal parts. You have to think that these bastards are very open to the power of animals by terrifying their humanity. When the group arrived in Abyssinia, they found a place full of 80 wolves and a little angry father. Unable to win, they had to fight and turn around. [None of this was planned in the mod, but it felt like a logical development like Gothic Horror Narrative Gold.]

The group then decided to move to Amber Temple, where the third heritage site was located in Strad. This heritage is the Sword of the Sun, which is the party Hexblade / Paladin. To reach Amber Temple, the group will need to pass Mount Tsolenka, which will be in the next session.


KATA PENGANTAR: Puji syukur kehadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa atas segala limpahan Rahmat, Ina, Taufiq dan Hinaya yang memungkinkan saya untu...