Minggu, 31 Juli 2022

Like a Train.

I heard something today.
I hope this is a lie.
But my friend shook my hand
He tells me: "Leave it."
I think the news was at the time.

He looked very happy.
And I hate to admit that I hate it.

It has always been easy for you.
break up with me
Then move on to a new person, like changing clothes.

Are you sure when you told me that our end hurts you so much?
You are lucky.
You only needed a few weeks.
But it seemed like an eternity.

His friend said you were happier than when you were with me.
And madly in love.
I didn't even know if he was jealous of me or if he was telling me the truth.
But baby, I still want you back.
At least explain our problem and then solve it together.
"If we fall, we fall together", remember?

But you don't seem to care.
I thought it was your future, but it turns out it was just your lesson.
to improve your life.
I also took the pieces you left behind.


KATA PENGANTAR: Puji syukur kehadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa atas segala limpahan Rahmat, Ina, Taufiq dan Hinaya yang memungkinkan saya untu...