Sabtu, 25 Juni 2022


Europe is experiencing a "fourth wave" of coronavirus infection, caused mainly by a combination of a delta climate and a cooler climate, stronger than "herd immunity" against vaccination. Although there is a lot of misinformation about vaccines on the Internet, the fourth wave gives us fairly accurate statistical information because the numbers are so important. The two main points are that if you are vaccinated, you will be about 30 times less likely to contract coronavirus than if you were not vaccinated; And once you have contracted the virus, if you were vaccinated, you would be 30 times less likely to die than if you had not been vaccinated. This means that if you count the entire chain from infection to death, a person who is currently uninfected is a thousand times less likely to die from Covid than an unvaccinated person who is currently uninfected.

What isn't being said is that this statistic is only valid as long as all ICU beds are full and all ventilators are plugged in, and that's where we go. At some point, the health system will be overwhelmed and doctors will have to practice triage , which decides on a series of ethical criteria who lives and who dies. Screening is bad news for non-vaccinators. An important principle in triage is that if you have two people who need care, but can only treat one person, you need to make sure the person has a better chance of surviving the treatment. Since the vaccine greatly increases your chances of survival, all other things being equal, a doctor will always prefer to give a vaccinated person a ventilator over an unvaccinated person, because the vaccinated person has a better chance of escaping from it.

For obvious reasons, the authorities are trying not to offend that part of the population that does not dare to be vaccinated, trying to offend after vaccination, not telling the bitter truth. But the hard truth is that if you don't want to get vaccinated, you are now a thousand times more likely to die from COVID, and if the overall situation worsens in your current trajectory, you could die in triage. All the talk about “vaccination for the good of society” is not wrong, but that is not the main reason you should get vaccinated. You must be vaccinated to stay healthy, because the small risk of side effects from the vaccine is small compared to the massive increase in life expectancy if you take it.


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