Minggu, 05 Juni 2022

Not Critical Race Theory

I'm looking at American politics / cultural warfare and what they call a "critical race theory" debate that has nothing to do with race theory. For a while, Florida made a good point by calling the bill "a measure of restraint and motivation," which has the unique advantage of being more accurate and easy to understand. However, if I look at the basic principles of this war, I think it is part of a cultural war that has not been won.

For thousands of years people have debated where the child's character came from, vs. nature. Known as the emergence argument. The discussion ended in a draw, and many agreed that * how * your * genes * and * education would affect your personality. In an increasingly polarized society, there is a certain risk that a child will manifest and possibly follow values ​​that annoy their parents. The more parental values ​​are removed from any social center, the greater the risk.

While this common problem applies to both remote and far-right parents, rights are a big issue here due to the school-based socio-economic situation. If you don't know, teachers don't pay much in capitalism. This is because there are some people who want to be teachers, not for money, who believe in higher education. In a capitalist system, those who work for "money" instead of "money" lower the market value of a profession because people are paid less. This is really sad, but it is a good explanation for why they are often paid so badly as nurses.

Given the nature of left-wing and right-wing politics, it is clear that there is a strong link between helping and trying to do good for society, and left-wing politics. A person who has political rights and who trusts the individual more than the society is less likely to be a teacher because low salary makes this job economically attractive. As a result, the average teacher is politically neutral. At the same time, "care" between parents and children is minimal. By 2020, 60% of married couples will have full-time jobs, including children . Since community schools rely on schools to provide night care for children, children are more valuable than their parents, not their parents.

Okay, here you go, basic race theory is not taught in primary school, but today education is more than just learning 3 bucks: reading, writing and acupuncture. Schools teach many political subjects, such as history. A white supremacist father was surprised when his son returned home with some leftist ideas about racism in American society. No "stop action" can change that.


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