Minggu, 05 Juni 2022


Last week my wife and I went on a short trip to the countryside. And two of our favorite board games were walking distance from our hotel. We bought 4 games to catch. I have never met Robinson Cruson, who is known for his extreme fears. But I started playing Dragonfire .

Dragonfire is a deckbuilding game, which means you can start each game with very basic cards, but as you play, you can buy better cards. In this case, it's a great D&D game, so parts, skills, magic, stuff, and monsters are in the fifth issue of Dungeons & Dragons. And to top it all off, there's a 5-adventure campaign that will take you from 1st to 4th grade.

Sounds amazing until you realize that Stage of Dragonons and Dragons is not like Dragonfire. In D&D Level 4, a character has 3 times more points than characters, not only a lot, but also more enchantments and more powerful abilities than Level 1. Points և 1st level card/skills/letters. You only have one or two "features", very poor results. You can find "magic items" but they are only available for general use, they are weak. Fancy things aren't that strong either. This means that they are no stronger than the beginning of a level 4 adventure, the beginning of a level 1 adventure. But as the challenges get more difficult, the game becomes much more intense than it is at a low level. It's not fun because it's hard to start the game.

On the contrary, the role we played in pole vaulting was the great propaganda board game of the past. RPA objectives are incrementally increased rather than progressed until the final adventures of the campaign are fully realized. Also, RPG adventures work mostly on the "Early Autumn" model և, despite many problems, they continue to be successful in adventures. Dragonfire, the multiplayer monster of the first round, has a high chance of ending the adventure.

I play some Dragonfire games with 4 characters և I think I can balance the game better with some house rules. The "tense" nature of the game makes it hard to strike a good balance because you can have "failure" or "success".

Overall, I like Dragonfire. The game is released because there are no other expansions. I also found the remains scattered on various outlets in the network, so I asked for a hike, an adventure and other treasures. Basically, the contents of the box are a bit small for repetitive play, but with some expansions and house rules, I think it could be a great game.


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