Sabtu, 04 Juni 2022

Hexplore It

Hexplore is a series of board games to explore fantasy realms based on the Hexagon. Basically, a hex version of internal exploration of RPGs like D&D, simpler and without the need for DM. I bought Amazon Volume I, but then Gamefound Volume IV. I saved the volume . And I’ve added a few things to my dedication to Volume I, as the developers have made a very interesting addition that completely changes Volume I: Click’s Madness is a 500-page hardcover book that adds a major campaign to a non-game. initially designed to be a campaign game. Interesting!

I have to say that I like campaign games. The minimum campaign is something like Gloomhaven, where campaign options unlock scenarios. But I prefer books with great stories for campaign games that have more options. So Hexplore It, which has been sitting on the shelf of my games without playing until now, has been adding this campaign book to me. If you're interested, you can follow this Gamefound link and find Volume I: The Valley of the Dead King and Click's Madness Campaign in the add-ons section. Promise Manager is open for late promises, even if you didn't participate in the original campaign by the end of March, as everything is scheduled to ship in June this year. I hope to be there!


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