Rabu, 08 Juni 2022

Clank! Legacy - Acquisitions Incorporated - first thoughts

As I said, my wife and I invite my friends to the board game. The four of us were vaccinated 12 times and decided that the risk of sitting at the table was too high. There were so many inappropriate things to do with friends over the past two years, so Scythe & Pizza night was a lot of fun. And so, we come to the part where we talk about the middle ground.

At first I thought we could play the most popular Roll Player Adventures (RPA) in my family today. However, this plan has several drawbacks. But there is no way to have more than one campaign at a time. The RPA has game trays that allow you to store deck deck between game sessions, but if you want to play multiple campaigns, you need to write down all the cards you have, adjust them on the market, and then rebuild the deck. to play. Next session of this campaign. Also, the RPA reads a lot of English text, which is not appropriate when three of the four players speak French.

So I searched for other games and got a clink! Heritage-purchases included . The game was not only a French version, but the French version was the best option for me to get the game. According to the official website , the English version is "currently available only in the US." Imported versions are sold at exorbitant prices in Europe. I was thinking of buying only one from Amazon.com, but shipping and VAT will not be cheap. So when the US version MSRP was $ 110, paying 120 120 for the French version was still the cheapest option. So the problem of reading the text of the story aloud is solved until you can read it. The French style is amazing!

Clank now! Legacy will be my first full Legacy board game. They are board games that change over time. Cards can "break", which means you have to split them correctly. Self-adhesive stickers can be applied to whiteboards or cards and will never be removed. We had a few in Grim Harbor, but I was uncomfortable with the loss of expensive toys, so I bought portable stickers . And you can still play the first steps again in Grimhaven. There is no alternative to Clank! Inheritance. Over the course of 10+ sessions, it is a game that constantly requires you to add new rules, change the game map with stickers, and remove certain cards without using them. Or Not. After all, the game is, in theory, the last game to be played over and over again. But after that it was fun to write about the story and the game. He may be dropping the game right now. The last time I got rid of some board games I gave them to a local boarding club, but of course this is not the best option for an old game.

What makes my idea of ​​playing and discarding a board game even clearer is my understanding that board games are becoming increasingly difficult and difficult. The type of game I play usually comes in a relatively large box, where do you put it all? According to my Board GameGeek collection, I have 38 board games (including extras) and 11 additional pre-orders on various fundraising services. It is cheaper than Steam PC games, but Steam games do not take up much space. The fact is that many new and exciting games are being released and the price is increasing, but the fact is that you do not have to spend a lot of time playing expensive board games to earn less than $ 10 per session.

I think it would be strange to write a permanent marker on my board game, put permanent stickers on the card and notebook and remove the cards (damn, I leave that aside). ! Inheritance. It relates to the most lucrative and most demanding Acquisitions Incorporated.


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