Senin, 06 Juni 2022


I've been playing Charterstone for a few days. Digital edition on my iPad. This is the official digital adaptation of the Charterstone board game from Stonemaier Games. The digital version costs $ 10 on iOS և Android, $ 20 on Steam և $ 25 on Nintendo Switch. Yes, Al, sounds pretty gross to me, it seems BT isn't for me either. Since the game works flawlessly on a touchscreen tablet, I would recommend a cheaper mobile version.

Charterstone board games cost $ 70. Of all the legacy board games I know of, Charterstone is the most extreme, with the most stickers. The rulebook is like a sticky Panini album, which is mostly blank at the start of the game և filled with more rules throughout the campaign. If you want to play the campaign more than once, the board has two sides that start the same, so you can purchase a $ 25 refillable pack with all the stickers and play again. Or use Tom Vassell's tip և use the download package to create a matching game after the campaign. Because during a real campaign, it is very likely that some parts of the players (called "maps") are built with a perfect engine, and sometimes something will go wrong և different buildings will not work together. Especially when playing with less than 6 players, empty letters will be filled in randomly.

The digital version can be restored to its original state as often as you wish. And since the computer does all the openings of the boxes, puts the virtual stickers on the keyboard and the regulation, the digital version plays much faster. You can fight AI opponents alone in the afternoon. The board game plays at least 12 games per hour, and even if you play 2 or 3 of these games in a single session, it goes without saying that you will need multiple sessions to complete the campaign. Depending on how often you meet, it could take months to complete your campaign. Even more than in other great games, you can't change players, you have to play the whole campaign with the same team. Most decisions, especially those related to building, have a big impact on future games. At the end of the campaign, each player receives a total campaign score.

Even though the digital version is much faster and more convenient, I hope to be able to play board games with friends later this year. Although the digital version behaves the same way, it doesn't have any social interaction to play face-to-face with real people. And it's fun to physically attach tags. But for those unsure, I'd probably recommend playing the $ 10 mobile version a day before investing the first $ 70 in some physical board games.


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