Senin, 06 Juni 2022

Character creation and minmaxing

Of all the pledges I've made on Kickstarter, there's only one video game I endorse:Talk: Crown of the Magister . It did pretty well: it's a good game, and now it's worth $40 on Steam, I was only promised $18. I'm not saying you need to kickstart many video games, they have a much higher failure rate than board games; but in this case i'm happy. So last year I played the beta version of Solasta. And then I left it unplayed for about 10 months waiting for the full release and additional content. A wizard class has since been added, and I also bought a DLC that adds barbarian and druid classes. Besides the main campaign, I also noticed that additional adventures are available. It's time for a new bandwidth!

I remember now that on the previous round I was a little annoyed with some of the character creation opportunities where I had access to certain crafting skills. To avoid this, I looked at the Solasta character creation process to make sure I chose the right crafting options. While I couldn't find a good website that talks about character creation options, I did come across a website that categorizes the different character classes. The site rated "Barbarian" a "C." But of course I want to play barbarian, druid and wizard for my game because these classes are new to me!

Now the real Dungeons & Dragons doesn't matter if you don't have the most optimized class and build. A good DM always adapts to the composition of the challenging team. But in video games, tasks are predetermined, perhaps tailored to the chosen level of complexity. But if you don't take, for example, a thief or another character with the ability to pick locks and run into a closed coffin or a keyless door, you've decided. The game expects a certain combination of skills and abilities. You don't have to go with a classic group of warriors, spirituals, wizards, rogues, but you should choose something similar. Luckily, the barbarian fighter can replace the druid - the clergy and the sorcerer - the sorcerer, so I bring the thief to my 4th member, and you must be right. But I can't have the best advantage when a barbarian is only as good as a warrior or paladin. I think I have to live with that.

In other games I took the advice to create a character to have the best party. Pathfinder: In Kingmaker, I actually canceled my first campaign because I wasn't happy with the main character I created, so I started with the best ones. However, I realize that this optimization and minmaking has serious disadvantages: I reduce your skills. It's more fun to have more character classes, and disabling some of them because they're not optimal reduces that fun. On the other hand, if the game isn't very flexible in dealing with your problems, you can also lessen the fun of creating a character by making the wrong choices and not being able to do certain things now. This is a bit of a dilemma, especially if you're new to the game and don't know what's going to be okay.


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