Due to recent discussions in the board game community that I follow, I wanted to review Kingdom Death: Monster. It’s a bit of an elephant for serious table players. 2017 Kickstarter had a commitment of 500 2500 and now costs $ 420 to buy the original game from its website alone . Like I said, I'm not tempted, especially since the game has a lot of thumbnails and a high price tag, and those thumbnails aren't * assembled * yet. The Dice Tower Kingdom Death: He recently made a terrific video that includes a slide that says “6 Months Later” in the manual. Okay, the whole video was laughing at the game, but for me it’s not a thing to assemble and paint miniatures and it’s something I don’t like, so it’s not for me.
The question, however, was whether Kingdom Death: Monster was a really good party game. After some discussion with those who thought so, I was advised to watch the videos Beasts of War Kingdom Death: Monster on YouTube , and I did. This is a 3-player game from the original campaign, with a mix of those who know the game and those who are just starting out in the game, as well as experienced filmmakers and gamers. So it gives you a great idea of the game if you are interested.
After learning a lot more about Kingdom Death: Monster's different game systems, I'm less interested in buying this game. What people love about KDM is that a lot of terrible things are happening. You usually roll the dice or draw cards, then roll a d10 to see if the result is good or bad. The higher the roller, the better the results. A 1 usually means very bad and a 10 means very good. The general theme of the game is blood and nudity (there are several expansions of Death Pinups). So the “great experience” you can get at KDM involves cutting off the genitals of giant monsters and using them as a resource for your establishment. English has this weird difference, that things labeled as “adults” and “adults” tend to be more childish and immature.
I still can't recommend the game to anyone who isn't interested in the topic. As you can see, cutting the white lion's "ding dong" and getting the lion's testicles is a completely random act, which can happen when a lion is attacked face to face. You draw the same location card that affects your position, regardless of your position. Some campaign games may have the ability to manipulate the range of strike positions, but this has nothing to do with the fighting position. Overall, fighting and the rest of the games feel very casual. There are a lot of dice rolls and card draws that are the result of unexpected and often scary things. Fate matters, while strategic choices are rare.
I think if you do everything and buy a $ 2,500 deposit with everything, you’re going to have a lot of monster fights. I couldn't find a bunch of videos showing this. In the basic game, you will fight the White Lion first and then the howling Antelope. And there will be * many * fighting for a lion or deer campaign. If the fight isn't against them, it's usually due to a specific chronological event that sends you against a 5-year-old enemy monster like The Butcher, but these are designed to crush you and you can lose a lot. character. All this fighting and barely surviving. Kingdom Death: You have to be a little masochistic to appreciate monsters.
KDM has some very nice game mechanics in the liquidation phase. The main game cycle is to find a monster, return with a bunch of random monster parts and turn those monster parts into weapons and armor to make your characters stronger for the next hunt. There is a chance that you will not lose your character as a result of constant random events. There are several official and unofficial KDM variants that make the game easier and perhaps more fun.
In the end, I don't think it's worth it. Unbalanced, random and repetitive original expensive game. So to make it a game of variety and better balance, you need an extension of added value and home rules. I would recommend a $ 50 option, Aftermath , if you are looking for a strategic war campaign game with a settlement episode.