Senin, 01 Agustus 2022


I was walking with my head down.

The sun is so bright I didn't see you coming.

And I will reach your hand with a beautiful smile.

Just like in the movie, everything has just begun.

You made me home.

He feels safe and warm.

You told me over and over again how much you love me.

- If only you were with you, I would break everything.

I kept it as secret as you wanted.

Although I want to dance on the sun terrace.

For people to see us together.

We were happy with the little things we had.

It's always nice when you try to sing without taking your eyes off me.

You smiled then put your guitar down.

Your hand was mine, we saw it, then you whispered.

"I love you always."

Your friends ask how we met.

You mentioned fate, but it can be very sad.

They laughed as we closed the door.

I think they heard our screams every night.

You told me we were good.

When we lost our appetite, we sat down at the dining table.

You passed me quickly without noticing me.

There was dust on your guitar.

Things were going well for a while.

But storms and rains never stop coming our way.

There is a crack in the ceiling.

I know you see it too.

We dance in our bedroom until midnight.

Just the two of us and the moonlight.

We were good again.

You told me one of your best jokes.

To make me smile again.

But your eyes never meet mine.

I knew it then.

I had tears you can't see.

Nothing is forever, it is for us.

We drowned when they burned our house.

I asked what was going on but you didn't answer.

I believed until the ship finally sank.

I think that's what you mean forever.

You went away from me.

You told me I would be like a child.

But at first you thought I was funny.

They haven't filed any complaints yet.

You made me cry on the phone begging me to stay.

But you made your choice.

I was too young to understand.

And you're too tired to explain.

When we were together, we finished quickly.


KATA PENGANTAR: Puji syukur kehadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa atas segala limpahan Rahmat, Ina, Taufiq dan Hinaya yang memungkinkan saya untu...