Minggu, 03 Juli 2022

The pitfalls of stopping immigration

Every right-wing party in the world has an anti-immigration manifesto on their agenda. Even though it's completely wrong, immigrants raping your wife, stealing your job, taking advantage of charities are very popular with voters. It is an economic fact that refugees are often neglected to fill low-paying jobs. What if you dumped all those strangers? Nothing good.

It seems that our way of life requires cheap foreign labour. Refugees don't just pick fruit, they also drive trucks with the supply chains needed to bring fruit (and everything in between) to supermarket shelves. Instead of "stealing" someone's labor, immigrants do unwanted work because they are uncomfortable and pay less.

So now Brexit has become an interesting socio-economic experiment. If the UK can't feed the supply chain cheaply, what are its options? How much do you need to improve working conditions to make these jobs truly affordable for local residents? Also, if you pay the truck driver well, how much does the food in the supermarket cost? Initial estimates range from 6% to 9% and do not appeal to the average buyer.

I'm sure politicians will blame others for these problems and the inflation that goes with them (the 'other' in the UK is usually the EU), so it's important to start a more honest conversation with voters about immigration. . How much do they hate persecution? How much are you willing to pay to look after refugees?


KATA PENGANTAR: Puji syukur kehadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa atas segala limpahan Rahmat, Ina, Taufiq dan Hinaya yang memungkinkan saya untu...