Jumat, 08 Juli 2022

Beyond Rashomon

Akiro Kurosawa’s Rashomon is one of my favorite films. The film tells different versions of the same event from the perspective of different participants. These versions are very different, but you will understand how each participant twists the truth to make themselves more beautiful. A great lesson on why we disagree with universal truth, and why it helps to understand why the same phenomenon can be explained by different media today and interpreted so differently.

As a European, I follow American news like someone would follow a horror comedy series. Most of the characters are at the top. In fact, political satire sessions like Vip have given up because some people in the real world acted out of the writers ’imagination. You can't * guess * such crazy people. But for the most part, it’s still about Rashomon. People agree with some basic data, such as "the women in the women's department at the Los Angeles Spa were exposed to seeing their penises"; The struggle revolves around the interpretation of these facts. Is sex acceptable if the owner of a women’s spa “identifies as a woman”? Is it a case of transgender rights or an immoral statement? You don’t have to be an extreme politician to understand how opinions on this issue can be different. Even if they bring together a group of completely apolitical people, they will probably agree on such a complex issue.

But I’m starting to get annoyed if there’s no more agreement at the event below. I read about the politicians on January 6, when the Republican Party invited a group of tourists to a peaceful visit to the capital, someone accidentally broke something, and the Deep Democratic State reacted. Through the arrest of tourists and political prisoners like everyone else. Of course, many video footage of the event does not support this assumption, so all reports of this hypothesis are made without video or photographic evidence. I would understand if Republicans were to claim that it was not a coup, but a protest. But to pretend that nothing has happened, after everyone has seen what is happening on TV, goes beyond the Rashomon-style checkerboard.

I am also concerned about the evolution of leftist history. As an amateur historian, I’ve always thought that the best way to deal with the confusing truth of the past is to create a new 2,000-page version of Maine Camp, with 3,500 footnotes explaining why Hitler’s arguments were wrong. The worst way to deal with the uncomfortable truth of the past is to deny the existence of the past and reinvent an alternative version of it that conforms to current social norms. Forging the past, even in the context of entertainment, is the opposite of acquiring knowledge. How would you explain the Windrash scandal that followed Bridgeton and who now believe that the British ruling class was a mixed race for many centuries?

Civil society relies on a basic consensus to disagree with the political interpretation of information. Attempts to simply change the truth are elements of Orwelia’s nightmare.


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