Rabu, 22 Juni 2022

Western Digital NAS forced downgrade

I have two Western Digital My Cloud series NAS devices. Not only is it useful for backing up, but it also allows me to access my files from a mobile device even when my computer is shut down. They come with free software such as WD Sync, a program that can be configured to automatically back up files from your hard drive to your NAS. And everything was fine until late.

I've received a number of threatening emails from Western Digital over the year stating that I definitely need to "upgrade" from My Cloud OS 3 to My Cloud OS 5 in order to have my hardware by the end of this year to be able to continue to use . So I checked for all necessary firmware and software updates. WD Sync has stopped working. If you look carefully and follow all the links in the OS 5 upgrade article, there is already a graphic showing that OS 5 no longer supports WD Sync, but this information is no longer easy to find. Then Western Digital will prompt you to install GoodSync for WD instead, which I did.

A few weeks later, a pop-up suddenly appeared. GoodSync for WD is not actually a Western Digital product. It's also not offered free to Western Digital customers. In fact, the download link on the Western Digital website offers you a free trial program. After this free trial expires, you need to pay $30 per year to continue using it.

What a silly gesture! Western Digital just forced me to downgrade the storage space on the NAS from a free version that works perfectly to one that only has me paying $30 a year for the basic hardware features. I do not pay! I'll use other solutions, although it seems that the Windows Sync Center only comes with Windows 10 Pro and not the Home Edition. And it seems that installing SyncToy for Windows 10 is quite complicated . But I will find free solutions because I am not willing to put up with these Western Digital scam tactics to force me to switch from a free service to an expensive subscription service.


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