Rabu, 22 Juni 2022

Weird VPN use

If I don't want to play or I'm really tired, I like to watch YouTube videos, mostly about games. But I am using the free version with ads because the YouTube premium is too expensive. The only problem with that is that YouTube shows me that most ads are in Holland and I do not speak that language. So at first I tried to play with all the settings on YouTube and Google to say I could not speak Dutch but I could speak German, English or French. Nothing works. My IP is based on a Dutch-speaking site in Belgium and all my experiences have shown me that this determines the content of the ad. This is foolish, but it is not strange. Most of the Internet completely ignores the possibility of becoming a foreigner who does not speak your native language. And a language like Belgian is a very complex issue (I speak two Belgian languages ​​but not a third) I often have language problems because "Inter" does not mean "international" on the Internet.

But a few weeks ago I subscribed to the VPN service ExpressVPN because it works with Netflix and I wanted to access the Netflix Library from other countries. And I realized that I could use it to solve my problems with YouTube. Yes, I often jump as fast as I can, but the parts that I see or cannot see are more interesting in the language I speak.

I agree that this is a very strange use of VPN service. YouTube / Google should think about displaying ads that I can understand, so it is very effective that there is no advertising language option. I am currently using a paid VPN to fix the design problem in my YouTube settings. This is a wonderful and strange world in which we live.


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