Kamis, 09 Juni 2022

The disadvantages of being a scientist

i am a scientist I have a PhD from university. Chemistry degree, i.e. Dr. I was able to enter the RER address. nat. On my business cards (but not mine). After 10 years of study, I spent 25 years in a research and development company. Professional education and experience tends to result in a person knowing more about the education and work major than a normal citizen, and this is also true for related disciplines. Outside of work, this doesn't play a major role for many: an auditor is well versed in accounting, but the topic is unlikely to be relevant at a family Christmas party.

From this point of view, the natural sciences are a bit different, because chemistry, physics and biology are completely part of everything in our lives. I've been doing research and development on the chemistry of climate change for five years, and this topic is definitely coming up in public discussions. I also understand enough biology to understand virology a little better, a subject that has been difficult to avoid for the past few years. But knowing more about something doesn't necessarily make life easier. Sometimes ignorance equals bliss, and you're sure you don't want to explain scientific facts to anyone who brings up the subject in conversation.

I just got a New Years wish in my mail from a friend who was hoping 2022 would be the year COVID went away. I can't help but tell him the truth: COVID is over when he hopes to return. COVID will be a part of our lives for the foreseeable future, and it will simply change from pandemic to pandemic, meaning everywhere. The good news is that COVID is taking the course Darwinism predicted: Successful variants like Omicron are more contagious but less deadly. A virus that kills the host is an evolutionary failure, and when it comes to keeping the host alive, it falls short of the most successful alternative in terms of further evolution. If you want to understand this better, Plague Inc. recommends playing the game several times. As a result, your odds of not getting COVID over the next decade are about the same as your odds of not getting the flu over the next decade, which are very close to zero. However, your chances of surviving COVID infection increase every year, and rights that once said COVID is just flu are actually right, even if that claim was wrong in 2020/2021. .

فيما يتعلق بتغير المناخ ، فإن الهدف الرئيسي لاتفاق باريس هو هدف درجة الحرارة على المدى الطويل - لمواصلة الجهود من أجل "رفع متوسط ​​​​​​​​درجات الحرارة العالمية بشكل ملحوظ إلى ما دون مستويات ما قبل العصر الصناعي بمقدار درجتين مئويتين" والحد من درجات الحرارة فوق 1.5 °C. Pre-industrial level "Levels" . The bad news is that the scientist is unlikely to achieve this goal. In 2017, according to scientific calculations, the probability of reaching the 2°C target was around 5% ; The fact that the world hasn't done enough to reach its goal over the years means the likelihood is even lower today. It would almost be a bit redundant. That the 2°C target is completely arbitrary is not a bad thing. We are now “well below 2°C” and significant weather events are already taking place. Assume the probability of extreme weather events at 2.5°C, but the world was better at 1.9°C, then at 2.1°C it didn't become uninhabitable. The higher the temperature, the worse it is for humanity, so fighting climate change is really good. But the criteria for failure or success are more complex than the first criterion.

You know, science doesn't make my world any nicer. You always meet people who say nonsense because they don't have the scientific knowledge. However, like the Middle Ages, we live in a time when people believe that irrational beliefs are more important than scientific facts.


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