Kamis, 09 Juni 2022

Curse of Strahd - Session 13 (Finale)

In the previous session , our team of heroes crossed Ravenlaft Castle to reach the place where, according to the Tarot map, they would find Count Strada von Jarovich. Therefore, this session marks the end of an epic boss war campaign. The good news: thanks to a little planning and foresight in Strader's strategy, I was really able to make this fight an epic. It took 12 moves, which is unusually long to fight fifth edition.

Strada's last position in my company (as defined by the Tarot) was a locker. Great place to fight, because the main feature is the Daern Instant Fortress magic item. It is a turret, 6 mx 6 m foundation, 9 m high, made of adamantium. It has a front door and a hatch at the top that can only be opened by knowing the password or doing 100 damage. So, look for a great defensive position. I also added Rahdin, a servant of Strahed, to the battle.

Now in this campaign, players often use a polymorphic spell. Restricting spelling to "monsters" forces any spelling level 8+ user to choose to always be their ally or themselves in Rex Tyrannosaurus. Thus, in a sort of "DM campaign commentary", Strahade throws different shapes at the two rhinos and transforms them into Tyrannosaurus of Rex. And then he enters his magical castle and closes the door so that he is not hit by the attack and his concentration is disturbed. He also did things like opening the door, not writing the focus, and then closing the door.

The wizard of the band believed that with Don 's spell he had an absolute weapon against Strader. But when you create an area of ​​sunlight that causes glare damage that looks cold, the damage is only applied to the first application of the spell and then to the * end * of each animal's path. Each time Strad leaves the area or hides in a fortress where the mantra could not reach him. Stradder has legendary actions that allow him to move without accidentally attacking and a terrifying action that allows him to go through walls until the band can hold him back.

Another lair would be closed for Stradd and magically capture all the doors of Ravenloft's castle, Stradd used it perfectly to divide the group as there were three doors in the battle and one common door in a magical castle. The fight turned against him when the group destroyed the normal door and the evil hero of the group Gustav Von Jarovich guessed the password of the magic castle "Tatiana". No, I haven't set a password yet. But the idea of ​​a gamer using a loved one's name as a password stride sounded so good to me that I decided to use it immediately. Part of the beauty of tabletop RPGs, you may have unplanned interactions that change history.

While Strahead was on the verge of death, an idea occurred to me: I devised another method of concealment that would allow him to constantly attack Gustav with the advantage of trying to bite him. He told Gustav his last words and told him that if Gustav wanted to inherit Parovius from him, he would have to take his black gift as well. Despite Gustav's shield and spelling, Stradd managed to roll quite high, gritting his teeth on Gustav's neck. Then it's the other players' turn and they kill Strahid. As a result, most of the group were immediately expelled from Borovi's planes of existence and returned to where they were in the real world before moving to Borovi. Only Gustav remained, now a vampire and the new ruler of Paravia. I thought it was worth ending this campaign.

In short, great company. Good role-playing interactions with players who receive background elements provided by Lee, who connected to their corporate world, such as a priest born in Paladin or Parovia in the Strada dynasty. Like most companies, we reached a point towards the end where the game slowed down a bit. A good decision was to lose most of Ravenlaft Castle and quickly go to the final battle. Ravenloft Castle is a great place, but going from an open sandbox to a dungeon with more than 100 rooms at the end of the campaign doesn't work very well. But if you have a team that likes to climb the sandbox dungeons, you can play with tarot readings to hide all traces of the castle and avoid certain parts of Parvovia, such as East Hill, Birch and Amber Temple. . This will give you a completely different company.


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