This is not the case here on Lost Ark Steam in Belgium, as its "predatory trading practice" violates anti-gambling laws. Apparently, the law banning games with a large number of lottery boxes applies not only to pirates, but also to more complex gaming mechanisms. Interestingly, one of the factors is the exchange between players. Genshin Impact, which steals boxes but does not trade, is legal in Belgium. However, when players are able to trade with each other, they can use a combination of out-of-game and off-game systems to pay each other cash for virtual goods. So you can theoretically pay for Lost Ark, get lucky and get something really valuable and then sell this valuable virtual item to earn more money for other players. Voila, the game!
Since I obviously can't see it for myself, it's a bit difficult to judge whether it's right and how much "gambling" is possible. But this clearly shows the limitations of the government. If these "predatory trading practices" bring in huge profits and are banned by only a few small countries, companies can simply take those countries out of the game and get their money back. from another country. . At least until the entire European Union and / or the United States adopts the same laws against gambling, they will not consider changing their business practices.