Jumat, 03 Juni 2022

Overlapping hobbies

If you visit your local fun game store, you are sure to find a variety of products out there: board games, role playing games, swap games, fighting games, miniature games, and more. The reason for all of this is that a shop is full of different hobbies and it's no surprise that someone who is interested in one of them has little interest in the others. There are some historical relationships, like Dungeons & Dragons, that start out as a fantastic group war game. Brands like Warhammer or Dungeons & Dragons often appreciate products from a variety of genres, from board games to video games. And it's not uncommon for people to start with one type of hobby and eventually move on to another. I used to really like Magic the Gathering in the 90s, but now I'm much more interested in board games.

The problem arises when the customer likes A, * B arises when he assumes that he should like it too. The product is marketed with the aim of attracting hobby A and hobby B when the product is really interesting. A group of people who like A and B.

There are many Kickstarter board games out there that specifically suggest that you should be a fan of miniatures because you like board games. This is not true. Yes, in every board game community you will find people who love miniatures and proudly display painted miniature games. But many miniatures like me don't really care. Some companies are aware of this and offer the same game with cheap booths or expensive miniatures. But other games only have an expensive miniature version.

If you don't draw miniatures, they are usually gray. On the playground, a series of colored stands usually look better and easier to distinguish one image from another than an unpainted miniature. But the miniatures are expensive. So the basic promise of a miniature game like Kingdoms Forlorn is $ 139 / $ 152 without shipping (I don't think their shipping cost is around $ 30, mainly because they don't say how different the size is. Your promise ) and the bank promises € 429 / $ 467. Yes, this unexpected promise will be a spectacular box full of plastic. But it sure won't be the kind of game you can buy if you spend $ 500 on a bunch of different toys with cardboard stands or wooden furniture.

Although I'm certainly not poor, I look at how much I spend. So I've been missing out on a lot of games over the past year, from Descent to Kingdoms Forlorn, which looked very expensive due to their miniature. Board game prices and transportation costs increased significantly during the pandemic. This commends some people outside of their hobbies, or at least they should be much more selective in accepting it. Many games would be better off if they were also offered as a cheaper miniature version. Hobbies overlap, but the overlap is never 100%.


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