Sabtu, 04 Juni 2022

Old Man Ring - Part 1

This is the first part of a series of blog posts I plan to write about myself, played by Elder Eldon Ring, and this game is not suitable for the elderly. I use a number of methods to make up for my lack of skills in action-based RPGs.

The good news is that I was able to play Eldon Ring for 6 hours and have a lot of fun. I reached 20th, I understood what the game was about. Following the advice of YouTube, I took the astrologer caster course in a completely different direction, just like Bieye in the comments on this blog. According to Big Eye, using the call with magic in the field is an "easy mode", at least for the usual monsters - little bosses.

I have spent many years playing this MMORPG, this is my first spiritual game, so the differences are a little difficult for me. Elden Ring has game design elements that annoy the developer of MMORPG. MMORPGs are not designed to make agriculture more efficient, but to avoid combat situations where there is no risk to the player. Elden Ring is not his own. Near the starting point, two giants slowly pull one giant chariot away. You can kill them with a long-range weapon - they will not be able to hit you because they are chained to the cart. They each offer more than 1,000 rugs, which are "golden" and "experienced" in the Eldon Ring. And after you kill them, you can not only return all your mana while you are having fun, but you can also send giant telegraphs to your nearest entertainment venue by forcing them to reappear. Wash, wash, repeat, I reached Level 20 quickly.

In contrast, some herds may be more powerful, especially thugs. I have not yet reached the first president in history. But first there is a boss who almost kills, then you get to the first outside, and then another boss rides up and down. Of course, you killed me right away. So I tried God mode again. He killed me again. Clearly, the divine system provides only unlimited health, major monsters often have rapid death abilities that do not conflict with unlimited health. Oh, there are other scams that will kill you instantly, so I don't think I will ever stumble, but this was completely unexpected.

So, in my experience, I have not been able to find a solution to the deceptions that make fighting "difficult" and "fun." Even without deception, most ordinary people have only one cake on the call and also several strategies. I began to suspect that the game was not based on long-distance war but on warfare. If witchcraft is effective, I will receive rewards or unlock games that do not benefit me at all: weapons, shields, shields, "battle ash" based on strength or skill. Weapons, fake weapons. And armed, my photo still has nothing to do with it. It is very easy to jump on enemies.

Sometimes it can be frustrating not knowing how to play the Eldon Ring. There are video tutorials on how to get to a place you can easily miss. And even with the instructions, if you haven't played the incarnation before, you only understand the part of the game. In other games, the experience is surprisingly balanced because everything is surprisingly balanced. As an astrologer, I would start with the cheapest magic bullets fired by Glintstone. Then I found a sorcerer who sold other precious witches (Sparkling Stars, Crystal Bolt) just to find out that these "updated" witches are less harmful than my original magic. I think I do not yet fully understand the magic system.


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