Jumat, 03 Juni 2022

Making discussion illegal

Florida legislators passed a law banning discussion of white privilege in the workplace . This is the next step in the escalating battle of the culture of mutual destruction as both sides try to make it impossible to listen to each other's arguments. The United States is gradually becoming a country with an absolute right to freedom of expression through the “imaginary right not to hear what offends you,” where controversial opinions will set you free, at least in a country where you will not be jailed.

Mankind has already declared and tried to burn people. It never worked. And this was in the environment of a single culture, where the crime said something that offended the vast majority of people and their beliefs. The beliefs of half of the current population are offensive to the beliefs of the other half, and vice versa. The Internet has done much to create existing environmental chambers, not to challenge existing beliefs. Now he's back to real life. Both sides are convinced that the ultimate truth belongs to them and that dissenting opinions and arguments must be punished.

It's not ironic, but race relations are not a matter of black and white. The notion that racial discrimination can only be caused by stereotypes is correct. But it is also true that it is not entirely fair to discriminate against a white person elsewhere in order to "solve the problem" of discrimination against other blacks. Two errors cannot be corrected. Good to know about racial discrimination; But some anti-discrimination ideas are not very real (I want everyone to hear how "slave revenge" works) or, in fact, can make people treat people differently because of their ethnicity. The class is still wrong if the Black Side has the best dinner table.

Any complex problem is solved through open discussion. This is the opposite of suppressing this discussion and punishing people for speaking out about their beliefs. In this complex world, there is hardly any absolute truth. We can expect everyone to take a different approach.


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