Selasa, 28 Juni 2022

Can you go from competitive to casual?

I have played hundreds of video games. Some are within hours of driving. Many people play for tens of hours, which is usually enough time to finish the game or get bored. A few games that I have played for over a hundred hours are usually long RPGs like Pathfinder. Kingmaker (184 hours) or major games like XCOM 2 (209 hours). Now Steam says there are two games that I have played in my library for over a thousand hours, but they are Forgotten Realms Idle Champions and Shop Titans, games that I have not played actively all the time but have played before. : background.

So the number of video games I have played for over a thousand hours is very small. some MMORPGs, with World of Warcraft at the top of the list (second everquest for about 2,000 hours), followed by World of Tanks, the only multiplayer game. PvP game. that I played hard. Actually, I do not know how many hours I played in World of Warcraft, I have to re-subscribe և use each character / game team to find out, but in 2009 it was 5,000 hours , և probably more than 6,000 hours. when I left. I do not know how many hours I played in World of Tanks, but I do know that on my main account I played 15,366 fights, the average duration of fights is about 6 minutes or 1,500 hours per fight. plus "garage" time.

If you play for tens of hours, you are probably quite experienced, but you can still play "randomly" և not try to master it completely. Although most of the time I accidentally played World of Warcraft (if you have enough content to do so), I did play a bit of a raid. I finished Molten Core, I scored onyx several times, I went up with Nefaryan at Blackwing Lair, so I would say I played at a much more competitive level. But as the attack led to a dramatic neighborhood, I needed to learn more about places like Naxromas. And in WoW, since for many people rating was only a part-time job, it was easy to get back into a temporary game until they finally lost interest in 2018 .

When I last played World of Tanks in the 2019/2020 season, I was playing in competitions, in the sense that my goal was to improve the game, the highest level of players , I was pretty good in the world of tanks . However, in this case, I consider it impossible to return to the game by accident. World of Tanks is a game based on many skills, but it is not a question of motor skills, but a very deep knowledge of each card, the best strategy of different types of tanks in different situations of each of these cards. . I haven't played for a year, I have forgotten a lot. And playing with less skill now than I used to is not fun.

I wonder if it will be the same for people who play Fortnite, League of Legends or any other competitive multiplayer game. Once you have reached a certain level of skill, can you return to normal play?


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