Minggu, 29 Mei 2022

So I quit my day job ...

Yesterday was the last day of my work. I am technically on vacation until the end of June. And then the 3-year period begins, at which point my company will mainly pay for my informal “previous pension” until I can officially retire. This is a strange word in European labor law. I have worked in the same company for over a quarter of a century; I have strong legal protection against dismissal. So agreeing on where to stay (free of charge) is cheaper than being fired. But if I leave the legal details aside, I can only say that I will retire in the future.

If you do not know me well, it seems that I have decided to quit my day job to spend more time and effort on social media by reading the headline. I saw a lot of videos like YouTube last year. It is part of the so-called "Great Depression" movement, in which at least some people are forced to relinquish their lives as a result of the Covenant epidemic and eventually give up their bad jobs. The "I quit" announcement on YouTube is often followed by a charity with Patriot or YouTube subscription. Don't worry I won't ask you for money. I work well financially. I only have the "Buy Tobold Coffee" button, which is very rarely used on my blog. I never trusted internet subscriptions.

To be honest, I'm afraid when young people decide to pursue a career in full-time employment. The wider social media community is the worst employer. The work of influential people today is very much like the work of past generations of sports stars or rock stars. The lightning of a few success stories obscures the tragic reality of the fall of many. And even if a person is able to pay for his / her Twitch account at the end of the month, his or her topic may change anytime soon. .

Just like that, after I retire, I can spend a little more time blogging, especially playing games that I usually write about.


KATA PENGANTAR: Puji syukur kehadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa atas segala limpahan Rahmat, Ina, Taufiq dan Hinaya yang memungkinkan saya untu...