Kamis, 07 Juli 2022

Might & Magic X : No More Legacy

In January 2014, I purchased Might & Magic X: Legacy for €29.99. I played it for 24 hours, wrote a little blog post about it, and then forgot about it. On June 1, 2021, Ubisoft closed its online service for Might & Magic X: Legacy and several other games . By doing so, they also disabled the DRM server for the game. What is needed to complete chapter 1 of the game. So unless you've "hacked" the game to no longer verify ownership, Might & Magic X: Legacy is currently unplayable, even for people who legally purchased the game.

I wouldn't say it's a huge loss, but there are more disappointments than you might think. Because it sheds light on some very unpleasant truths about the "ownership" of the game that everyone is trying to forget. You never own the game, you only get a limited license to play it. While the actual owners in some cases forget about this and let you play their old games forever, this is more of a coincidence than your legal right. With DRM, the damage can be the other way around: companies can disconnect you from games you bought years ago without even thinking about it. I think this is not the last case.


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