Kamis, 02 Juni 2022

Triangle Strategy Flow

I've been playing Triangle Strategy on my Switch for about 10 hours now. And while I like the game overall, I would say that it has some major gameplay issues. First, I spent less than half of those 10 hours doing strategic warfare; The rest of the game was occupied by performances: the cutthroat and "exploration" phases, which also consisted mostly of dialogue. I just hope that the relationship between combat and disclosure will improve, as many things have been revealed at the moment and as a player I don't have enough time to do anything interesting.

The second problem is that there seems to be no such thing as indiscriminate or systematic warfare. There are linear story battles and they come with a level recommendation. The recommended level at the moment is 9 and my letters are between 7 and 8 ৷ So, in order to reach the recommended level, I can only participate in the "Battle of Mental Ridiculousness" in the camp. However, there are only 5 tryouts to choose from and only the last one offers a full experience. So I have to participate in this fictional battle multiple times until everyone reaches level 9. A few random or varied battles will be much more fun.

Because if there's a "quest phase" that talks to all the NPCs on the screen and collects glitter, there's no real exploration in this game. You have exactly 1 point to move to the next scene, explore, or advance the fight. Or you can have this chart point 1 plus an optional "What's Happening Elsewhere" view for reference. In very few moments in the story, there's only once been a scene where those around me have voted on where to go and I can try to convince them to vote the way I want to. So 10 hours of gameplay, Chapter VI and only 1 subplot (see A or B, but both are followed by C).

I like strategic warfare. But the rest of the game is pretty bad for me. I just hope the game progresses to the next chapters.


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